Challenges In Honduras...

Report from Danlí, Honduras 

What follows is an edited excerpt of a report received from brother Nery Irías, who is the director of the Bible Institute of Honduras (IBH).  Porfirio and Enrique are our two oldest students and while they struggle with their studies a bit more than their younger classmates “they are punctual and the brethren that they help have nothing but good things to say about them; such as their cooperation with the church with studies, preaching and evangelism.”

Antonio, Jose Cruz and Jairo work together on Wednesdays and visit a colony called Los Robles to meet for studies of God’s word.  Gustavo married and he works in the evenings at the congregation since Saturday and Sunday he is studying at a secular automotive institute.  He requested that I give him the opportunity to finish and that this would not affect his Biblical studies."

We are sad to report that three of our students have chosen not to continue in their studies, and to make matters worse, their parting was not on good terms.  While we are saddened by the events that transpired, we believe that the six men who remain will continue to do well with their studies and the work they are already doing in the churches in this area.

God bless you all! 

Donnie Bates
Latin American Coordinator
Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver

Posted on April 1, 2012 .