Campaign Yields Much Fruit In Cameroon...

Dearest beloved in Christ,

Accept greetings from the entire Wotutu congregation and the students of CBIW. We are thankful to God for the opportunity to enter a new month. We do hope you are equally happy to see the a new month, April. Our prayers are that God continues His great work in our lives as we make Christ known to many on our way.

God added a soul in Nake village. God blessed the effort of our student who went there to help revive the dying congregation, some sheep without a shepherd. He organized a film show to attract the entire village to come and watch. The DVD from WVBS attracted many to come and relax in the evening and by so doing he preached the word. The Lord added two souls in that village while the Lord was also working through other students in different locations. For one week the Lord added 32 souls to His body and 44 fallen away Christians came back to the Lord rejoicing. Keep this work in your prayers. Cameroon is coming into the lime light of the gospel. Many lips are talking about the work of CBIW. 

The Wotutu congregation was in joy again today as all the students made it back to school safe and sound after their campaigns to different villages and one week to rest with their families, and also to be of help to their local congregation. Keep them in your prayers as they are ready to continue studies tomorrow morning. The leadership of the Wotutu congregation has scheduled a meeting with the students in the next two weeks to address them on issues concerning their calling to preach the serving message.

Brother Norbert one of our students went to the Nake village sharing the gospel with prospects and some members of the dying Nake congregation, before he could go there.

Oh Lord, I thank you for all the great men and women you are using to make things happen here. Bless them more… I pray for you. Please you are always remembered in our prayers. You are a pillar here. Keep us in your prayers as great things will continue to happen. The people of Bafia now can hear the truth as the church of Christ in that village was fully established. Two of our students work there to help establish a new congregation there. Praise God, the field is really ripe but few laborers.

Today is April and we were all glad to start another month. I taught in Wotutu today on Bible studies, Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ. It is a theme that we shall use throughout the month to help our members stand firm with the doctrine of Christ. A total of 102 worshippers listened to the message, along with those in our community through our P A system that is creating much impact in the lives of the resident of Wotutu and other nearby villages. Keep the work in your prayers. It is working well to the Glory of God.

This is Wotutu congregation today after worship. Wow the Lord is great. We are done with our worship. I know many around the world are still going to worship now. Ours was wonderful as we have two first time visitors. You can see how the members of Wotutu move from one person to another to say hello and to embrace one another. We had great fellowship in the midst of His children.

A young girl was one of our visitors today. I took a picture with her because of the story behind her coming to the church of Christ today. She lives in mile four near to Wotutu and she is a bank attendant. Brother Gage Coldwater and I met with her when they were here and we shared the gospel with her. She decided to come and see the reality of the New Testament church. She confessed her satisfaction with the amount of truth that is being propagated in the Church of Christ and promised to share this message with her mom who is a staunch full gospel church, a denomination in Cameroon. She promised to study more as she took from my office many tracks. Keep her in your prayers for the gospel to keep entering her.

1) Our mission to plant a congregation in Batoke village is still pending. We shall try and do something now that the students are back.

2) Many more demands for our students to come over to different villages keeps coming to my office.

3) Please think about my trip to Zambia and see how you can be of help to me (check on Google AFRICANS CLAIMING AFRICA FOR CHRIST CONFERENCE) to see the great things that will take place there. This is why I am struggling to go and benefit from it so that others will benefit from me upon my return.

Many thanks to our God for all His providence to us and the work we are doing. Many thanks to you for standing by us in this great work. You are a pillar.

Do your best to share this report with others. God bless you and your entire family. You are always in our prayers.

On this sad note, one of our students, Bea Shadrack, came back to school with sadness as he returned from his campaign in Bali village, one of those young congregation that we established. He met many in their compound mourning for the dead of his mother. Keep him in your prayers as burial will be this week end.

Elangwe and family
By His grace, Director CBIW

Posted on April 1, 2012 .