VVBC Annual Report...

Greetings to you in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. By the grace of God we are all doing fine and the school work is going on well. 

On the 9th of February we shall be having a one day Leadership Workshop by Dennis Jones, President, Heritage Christian University. All of our students & faculty from VVBC are going to be attending this workshop. 

Annual Work Report (2011) 
Through our efforts in this year God blessed us with these results. It is certainly encouraging to look back to see how far we came, however when we look at the task of reaching millions of lost souls, which are in front of us, we remind ourselves of our responsibility. During 2011, we had the opportunity to meet with several preachers from rural parts that area. They are about 300 kms from the school. Part of the evangelism program we shall be visiting these villages to spread the good news through our campaign week programs. (Tract distribution, Bible Classes & Gospel meetings)

New congregations have been planted by the work of the school and the students  -  4

Baptisms have been conducted – 180

Christians have been restored  - 52

New villages we are currently working in where the goal is to plant a congregation in 2012 - 5

Bible studies conducted  – 823

Gospel meetings conducted in the villages  - 37

Denominational preachers, congregations and individuals converted  - 7

How many pieces of literature has been distributed – over 60,000 

Faculty in their ministry
We are blessed to have the teaching faculty who are also ministers of the gospel. As their efforts have been going on steadily that is giving great results of adding more souls to the Lord’s body.  

Short Classes
Currently I am teaching Denominational Doctrines. I have taught the Gospel of John in the last week. We are through with that. I am so happy that students have done a good job in writing the exams, and the assignments. The reading assignment really helped the students understand the text better. I remarked on the diligence of our students. 

Master Class
Brother Gary Fallis is teaching Christian Education and Church Growth. This is the last session for the Master Class students. They have to turn in the due work. They are agreed to turn in their work on the date set by them. With that we came to a conclusion that the graduation exercise will be in July on the set date. Hope fully we shall set the date soon. It is certainly a joy to think about the first Graduation exercise of the Master Class. We are thankful to God for this great blessing toward the Church in India. Right now there are 10 students. Hopefully all of them will complete the required work to be graduated. Our school is the first and only school to offer this Degree. We have a list of 12 students we shall be interested to be enrolled in the next Master class batch. 

About our Plans in the Year 2012 
As usual our chief focus would be Evangelism. In 2012 a new program to spread the good news in the city involves: holding a VBS at the school premises during our summer break. We can do a great job with this program. Briefly, stretching our arms of evangelistic activities in the city and rural areas to spread the good news.


Samuel Raju & John Dean Muppidi
Visakha Valley Bible College
Skinner's Garden Bible School
Church of Christ
Andhra Pradesh,  INDIA

Posted on February 4, 2012 .