Cold In Ukraine, But The Work Grows...

Hello dear brothers and sisters.

We came to the end of the first month of the year 2012. Time is flowing by so fast, and we are missing it sometimes because of the hectic life. As James said it: you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes (Jm. 4:14).

Usually in January and in February, work of all offices here in Ukraine and in Russia is paralyzed due to extremely low temperature. But we are trying not to be influenced by the weather and keep on serving God. During this week the weather in Gorlovka has been steadily –20C (–4F) with high humidity. In different regions of our country the government closed schools for a while. 

After a two-week break, classes in our institute resumed on January 9. Right now the first-year students are studying 1-2 Samuel and a book of Isaiah. The second-year students are studying Romans, 1-2 Peter and Jude. Classes are organized in a way that students would dedicate more time studying the Old Testament during the first year and the New Testament during the second year. 

In the Central Church of Christ in Gorlovka (that meets at the building of the Institute), there are many good things and of course some problems that most congregations face. Every Tuesday and Thursday there are Bible classes, and there is a Sunday service. Right now we have less people attending church due to the low temperature, since elderly people are not able to come. Besides there are a few people who left the church; they have not come for quite a while, and now they don’t want to have anything to do with Christ and God’s family. We keep praying for them and ask you to keep in your prayers those who left God’s church. 

We have finally solved all the issues with the paperwork concerning the closure of the Language University which was the previous owner of the building that the Bible Institute owns now). Right now we are fully using the discounts and benefits for religious organizations. God has answered our prayers. 

Last week, Bogdan Chigvintsev (a first-year student) and I went to the church in Makeyevka, where I had an opportunity to preach and tell people about the Bible institute and its work. We keep on looking for students. In the middle of January, I was contacted by the leaders of two congregations that separated from the Baptist movement (each congregation has 30 people in average). They want to study in our Institute and even came to Gorlovka to have a personal meeting. We had a long discussion, and I explained them the Biblical teaching of the baptism, church service, musical instruments, etc. I made it clear for them that only Church of Christ members who believe in the sound doctrine can be admitted to our study program. The most interesting thing is that they were listening and asked time to think and consider everything. I don’t know how it all will work out with them; however, please keep praying with us for these people so that God’s true Word works in their hearts now. 

Next month we plan to organize the preachers’ meeting and several events for the church. We are looking forward to the arrival of the teachers from the US, Garth Hilton and Johnny Mack Young, and we pray for their safe travels.

Thank you for your spiritual and financial help. We appreciate your cooperation and the desire to help Ukraine to grow spiritually. Both students and church members send you their greetings.

Your brother in Christ,

To see the report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on February 4, 2012 .