West Africa Happenings...

Greetings from all of your brothers and sisters throughout West Africa. The gospel light is shining bright as the workers continue to labor in the vineyard of our Lord. In this report, we will outline some of the happenings over the period. 

The Church Expands in Togo
I love the song “Soldiers of Christ Arise!” Whether we realize it or not, Christians are at war throughout the world. We are fighting this war in West Africa where Satan is attempting to prevail through Islam, idolatry, and false teachers. A battle was recently waged in the town of Basaar in northern Togo. Ghanaian and Togolese evangelists came together to preach the gospel publicly and house to house. We preached over the radio airwaves, as the call to prayers echoed from the mosques throughout this predominantly Islamic city. We sat down and studied with the residents as others attempted to divert their attentions away from the truth. We showed Bible films and preached publicly in the evenings as many gathered to hear more about the true doctrine of Christ. Before we left, five souls were baptized into Christ, others had promised to study, and a new congregation was worshiping in Spirit and in Truth. A battle has been won, but the war wages on. Islam is pressing down from the north, false teachers are sprouting up everywhere you look, and many are becoming so confused that they look towards the animistic religion of their fathers to satisfy their spiritual needs. We must continue to preach the Good News if the war will be won in West Africa. We are ready for the fight! Many are hearing the words of truth that can save their souls. We thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement, and support!

Tidbits from the Schools
With your help, the gospel is being proclaimed throughout West Africa, and dozens of leaders are being trained at the Bible schools to prepare them to build up the church in this part of the world. We want to tell you a little about each location in this Newsletter. The best place to get complete up-to- date information for the schools is on the Bear Valley website at this address: /why-extension- schools/

The work is moving forward at the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies in Tamale, Ghana. The building construction is continuing with windows, doors, plastering, water, and electricity moving towards completion in anticipation of a move from the rented premises during the month of December. The school in Tamale has realized a wonderful addition to their staff with the arrival of brother Tony Johnson from the USA. He will be teaching at the school and helping coordinate the work with Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver. He is already making a positive impact on the work!

The Southwest School of Evangelism in Ibadan Nigeria continues a wonderful work in their training of faithful preachers in the cities of Ibadan and Lagos. Recently, the staff and students’ evangelistic efforts resulted in sixty baptisms, forty restorations, and the establishment of a new congregation! Twenty-eight students graduated during the SWSE’s ninth graduation ceremony in August. The 2012/2013 year then began with thirty-eight students studying at the two SWSE campuses. A great work is taking place in Nigeria!

The Center for Biblical Studies in Kpalime Togo is continuing their labors to train preachers in French speaking West Africa. Twenty souls were recently baptized into Christ and a new congregation was planted in Keve Togo. Four graduates are now working with new congregations that have been planted during the year. We were able to purchase Thompson Chain Reference Bibles for all the present and past students to help them with their studies, teaching, and preaching. We were also able to acquire a new copier to provide handouts for the students. CBS is truly making an impact on the strength of the church in this area!

During July and August, the Liberia Bible College in Monrovia Liberia moved forward towards their desire to train preachers in this war torn country. Brother Glen Addison from Texas and I took the time to visit Monrovia in August and assist in their building renovations, acquisition of furniture and equipment, and the planning necessary to put this training program in place. Twenty students were scheduled to begin classes at the end of August. Bear Valley is also in the process of beginning a Master’s program at this school to train the instructors. We thank God for all those faithful men who are sacrificing to make this work possible!

Brothers Bill Dillon from Arkansas, and Mike Kiser from Alabama traveled to the West Coast School of Preaching in Takoradi Ghana to teach short courses during the month of August. Max Robertson from the overseeing congregation in Howe, Texas also visited during August to discuss the renovation of the building, revision of the budget, and plans for an increase in the student body for the upcoming enrollment in September. Precious souls are being brought to Christ through the evangelistic efforts of the staff and students at this school!

The Cameroon Bible Institute of Wotutu is another Bear Valley Bible school in West Africa that I have not mentioned in my previous newsletters. I hope you will take the time to review their reports on the Bear Valley website. Many great things are taking place in Cameroon, and I hope to be able to visit this school in early 2013.

Year End Reporting
I will be scheduling time over the next couple of months to visit many of you and report on the work in West Africa. The primary objective of this ministry is to fulfill the Great Commission through empowering the indigenous Christians to fulfill their complete potential. With your help, we are achieving this goal by equipping the local brethren with Bible knowledge and providing them with evangelistic assistance. Together, we can do even more in the future than we have accomplished in the past. Let us continue to labor together is this fruitful field!

Financial Support
We want to thank all of the supporters for their contributions to this exciting work in West Africa. Without you, this effort would not be possible.

Contributions by check need to be made payable to: Mountain Home church of Christ
For: West Africa Mission

Mailed to: Mountain Home church of Christ 380 North College Street Mountain Home, AR 72653

Any questions can be directed to the church office at 870-425-4330.

Or you can contact Steven at:
Email: samtnhome@yahoo.com

USA Phone: 971-270-8535
Please email Steven if you would like to receive this newsletter by email.

Thanks So Much, With Christian Love
Steven Ashcraft

To see Steven’s report with pictures of the work throughout West Africa, click here.

Posted on November 4, 2012 .