Greetings Fellow Workers:
The Heart of the People: “Dear brethren in the LORD JESUS, greetings! We have heard of the Sandy Super Storm in U.S.A, sorry for the hard time there! God will take care of all who depend on HIM for everything, and we all are praying, knowing GOD hears the prayers of the saints... Bible Correspondence Courses are continuing, some completed their lessons and need further studies. one obeys; from Ngurdoto congregation were Gaudence's wife obeyed the truth through baptism.” In Him, William Rodrick
One at a time: “Christian Kubero is the mother of one child who has been studying God’s Word for six months. We met her through distributing some flyers for the Kilimanjaro Bible School. On the first day of the week Christian stood and declared she wanted to be born again!” Amen, In His Service, Josephat, Anna & family.
Yes, the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continues to have its desired effect on the hearts and minds of the good people of Tanzania! Thank you for making this possible.
The holidays are upon us. Thanksgiving is a time for friends and family to come together, thanking our God for the good He is doing in our lives and in His Church. The month of December brings much joy and sharing with people all over the world.
God has blessed His mission work here in Tanzania in so many ways. At the end of October we faced a “Challenge.” When the funds were sent to Tanzania there remained a balance of less than $500 in the TZ2000 account! So, the “Challenge” we have set for ourselves and the mission is to raise one months budget in the next 60 days! $25,000 is what is needed.
Last week we sent out a plea for my trip to Uganda to speak at the Uganda School of Evangelism’s annual lectureship. This will also allow me an opportunity to do some recruiting for the ACSOP. Thank you Cotton, Gene and Dupree for stepping up and making this mission trip possible.
We also had our first commitment toward the $25,000 challenge; with the donation of $5,000 from our dear brother and sister from TN, we now need only $20,000. In addition, we still need to raise our furlough expenses. We received a commitment for $3,000 toward our airline tickets, leaving a balance of $2,000 (I guess I could send Stephanie and stay here in TZ, what do you think). :) We also need between $6,000 and $8,000 to cover our Stateside travels.
We are booking appointments for presenting the mission work and reporting on the good being done. If you personally or as a congregation would like to hear more about God’s Powerful Mission Efforts here in Tanzania, please let us know. We close with a very prayerful and thankful plea, please do what you can that we might continue “making disciples”!
May our God be with you all as you strive and serve the one true living God and our neighbors.
In Him, Cy, Stephanie, Granny & Allie