Short Courses And Graduation At The ACSOP...

Dear Co-Workers:

It has been a busy few days. Graduation at the ACSOP is always a big event, and if it were not for many people working together the event would never happen. We have enjoyed having our guests also. Gary Fallis has been here for more than a week, teaching The Scheme of Redemption. He leaves on Tuesday. The Chad Wagner family has also been here since Tuesday. They came up from Chimala, where Chad serves as the Administrator of the Chimala Mission and Hospital, to celebrate Thanksgiving with us and have some vacation time. It has been a joy to have them and our kids have enjoyed spending time with their kids. They will leave tomorrow to go back to Chimala. Also, Cy and Stephanie Stafford, along with Exel Aultman, Stephanie's mother, will be leaving later this week for their furlough and reporting tour. So, please keep Gary, the Wagners, the Stafford's, and Exel in your prayers as they travel.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, we will fill the rest of the report with pictures from the week's events. The final picture is of Ibrahim, with Ahimidiwe. Ibrahim was baptized after services at Kisongo this morning. Please pray for him as he grows in Christ. We will try to be more detailed about all these events next week.

Gee family

In order to see all of the pictures included in Jimmy’s report about graduation, please click here.

Posted on November 25, 2012 .