Greetings Fellow Workers;
We pray everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving and that God continues to bless your life of service in Him. Stephanie, Granny, Allie and I hosted 35 for a Thanksgiving meal in our home. We were thankful for the Wagner family being with us. Chad is currently the Administrator for the Chimala mission. It was truly a time of fellowship and fun.
Speaking of being Thankful, yesterday (Nov. 24th) we graduated 17 souls from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. We were thankful for the presence of Gary Fallis who represented the Bear Valley Bible Institute. We are thankful for all the students, their dedication and the sacrifice they were willing to give that they might be better equipped for the work of the Kingdom.
The school has now graduated 125 who are now serving the 150 church plants through out East Africa. It has been an amazing journey since we began in 1998. From two very small congregations with less than 30 to 150 plus with over 2,000 souls. Wow, simply amazing the things God continues to do.
We thank the Kensington Woods Elders for their vision. We thank the Bear Valley staff for their partnership in the Gospel. We thank everyone who has played a part in this work, making it possible to “...entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others” (2 Tim. 2:2). It was encouraging to see the Tanzania staff at the school take the lead and see this graduation through. All the missionaries did their part, the students theirs and through this cooperation, God was and is being glorified and souls are be saved, day by day.
And, as if it could not have gotten any better, two men obeyed the Gospel after the graduation. One of our graduates (who hopes to plant a new congregation in his home village of Katish) had invited these fellows who he had studied with earlier to the graduation. They made the decision to obey and now the Kingdom is larger by two souls. Thanks be to God. He is good all the time.
Stephanie and I want to personally thank everyone who has contributed toward our furlough expenses. We never take for granted your love and generosity. We are looking forward to seeing many of you and sharing with you the work of God here in Tanzania in the coming weeks.
During the month of December I will be traveling and working on the “Thanksgiving Challenge.” God’s mission work here in Tanzania needs your prayers, continued support and additional funds to continue in our efforts to “seek and save” those lost in sin. If you would like to meet with me, allow me to present the work to your congregation or simply have a cup of coffee allowing me some time to share with you our needs, please let me know. I have just a few open days left in December.
May your week of service bring glory to the Father, salvation to others and joy into your life.
In Him, Cy, Stephanie, Granny & Allie