Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from your brothers and sisters in Christ over here in Cameroon. Hope you are all doing fine in health and sound faith towards your calling. We are doing fine and the Lord is blessing our efforts to keep reaching out to dying souls.
God blessed us as we went out for evangelism. Brother Innocent robbed from the strong man’s house in one of our newly established congregation in Kombe village. A total of 17 souls were added in the vineyard this weekend in 7 locations. All that went out returned safe and sound.
The week was a busy one as we were fully involved with our activities in CBIW and the Wotutu congregation. The students are gaining their health and many in the congregation who were sick are gaining health, but a few are still sick.
The theme last week for our chapel in CBIW was “WHICH LEGACY DO YOU LEAVE BEHIND?” This was aimed at helping both staff and students and members of the Wotutu congregation to leave a positive legacy that many can benefit from it.
I and some 8 students left campus Friday evening to 7 different locations for weekend evangelism. I was trekking to get to my own location. As we think souls we are always ready to go as long as we have the means. Bad roads are common as rain is still falling in Cameroon.
Our journey took us across a fast running river. We are not scared by this because we accepted to go where ever the gospel is calling. We always appreciate God who is always ahead of us to make sure that souls are being touched.
The Wotutu congregation assembled this morning. Our early radio program keeps creating an awareness of the truth to many who listen to us. We appreciate God for our standby generator set which helps us preach even during our worship today as the power was off. Our congregation keeps growing as people stand up because our benches are always full before 9:30 am. Keep this work in your prayers.
We praise God from whom all blessings flow. This morning the Wotutu congregation spent time praying for brother Maurice and sister Gladys as they successfully carried out their traditional marriage. They appreciated the church to keep them in prayers as they grow and keep their home. It was colorful and they will move on to the government of Cameroon for registration as soon they have means.
The Kombe congregation continues to meet after two months of establishment. Keep this young congregation in your prayers as we see potential of growth.
Two young sisters are new converts who were so happy to receive new Bibles in English and French for them to study it as the grow in the faith. More Bibles are needed for others in different villages that we have baptized.
1) We are still making preparation for the Batoke mission where we shall establish a new congregation by His grace.
2) Kwa-kwa congregation and Kumba congregation came to us searching for a preacher to come over to them and work full time after graduation.
God bless you for standing with us in your prayers and support to realize all this for the glory of our God. God bless you and keep you to do more for the work here. I truly appreciate you and all your efforts toward the growth of the kingdom of God here in CBIW in particular and Cameroon in general.
Do your best to share this report with others who may love to be part of the work. I will love to read your comments and suggestions.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW