The Kenya School Of Preaching...

After participating in the Tanzania Leadership Conference, I was blessed with the opportunity of traveling with Cy Stafford to Kisumu, Kenya. This past week, we were able to spend a few days with Charles Ogutu, director and instructor of the Kenya School of Preaching, and Elias Omollo, academic dean and instructor for the KSOP.

The Kenya School of Preaching began their first class of students three weeks ago. Twenty men have dedicated themselves for the next two years in preparation to preach the gospel of Jesus. Knowing the sacrifices being made by the staff and students of this school, it was an honor to spend time with all of these men. While we were in Kenya, I was blessed with the privilege of teaching material on Leadership to this first class of students. We are looking forward to seeing the growth and development of this first class of students, but also the future of the program as they train men to preach throughout Western Kenya.

I am thankful for the opportunity to visit the school in Kenya, but also for the privilege of traveling with Cy Stafford. His leadership in Arusha, Tanzania, and throughout East Africa, has been an example for me to learn from since getting to know him. This trip gave us opportunity to discuss a number of areas. I continue to learn from his 15 years of experience working in East Africa in training men to preach the gospel and his love in the study of leadership, lessons that will help in my personal development and the future of the overall Extension Program.

By the end of the week, it was time to head back to Denver to prepare for classes to begin Monday, October 22nd. This quarter I will be teaching two classes, sharing information and learning from the students who are preparing themselves for work in the kingdom. I always look forward to teaching, but I also know that I will be a student as well. I learn so much from these men who come with a wealth of experience and knowledge. What they share throughout these two classes will be beneficial to everyone.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

Prayer Changes Things: This has been the theme for chapel in Cameroon. The evidence of the power of prayer is certainly being demonstrated in their work.

Mission Property Catches Fire: Chad Wagner continues to see and address a number of challenges in Chimala. The dry season has caused several fires, one on the mission.

Road Trip: Several from the Chimala Bible Institute traveled to Arusha for the Leadership Conference. Even though there were a few challenges, they made it safely.

8 Precious Souls Added In Ghana: The work in Tamale continues to bear fruit as the students are preaching the gospel of Jesus.

Graduates Work With Local Congregations: News from Togo shares the number of congregations graduates are working with from the Center for Biblical Studies.

ACSOP Has 100+ Graduates: The number of graduates and the work being done by these men is amazing. Take time to read more about their work.

Leadership Conference Comes To An End: The lectureship in Arusha, Tanzania is over, but the work continues to go strong. 

Final Thoughts
Each week I continue to realize what a blessing it is to be involved in the Extension Program. I am thankful for everyone involved, and there are many levels needed to make this work successful. I appreciate your vision for seeing the need of training men to preach the gospel. Without you this work could not continue. Thank you!

God bless

Posted on October 21, 2012 .