What a privilege to be a part of God's family on this earth! What a joy it is for me to share with all of you about God's work in Cambodia. It truly is a blessing for me to be in my position. I thank God and you all for making it possible.
The previous month, the local church has decided and helped Sam get started in Bos Kralahn village. He has finished the pig pen and we got him started with 2 pigs as a test run. We are excited to see how this will turn out. We know the delicacy of the matter in that we don’t want to stress the physical over the spiritual, especially in a poor country like Cambodia. If we are not careful, we will emphasize the wrong priority. At the same time, we don’t want them to be dependent upon foreign aids all of their lives either. There has to be a balance and we will make sure that happens. We want to teach them to rely and depend upon One, and that is God! Amen.
To see Phanat’s post with a picture, please click here.