God Is Giving The Increase In Guatemala...

Hola a Nuestros Hermanos y Amigos,

To us, and many in the Linda Vista family, preaching and teaching the precious word of God never gets old. Likewise, it never gets old seeing precious souls respond to the message. Over the past few weeks we have had several respond requesting special prayers: some for health problems, some for the possibility of finding work, etc. Among this number there has also been some requesting forgiveness from our Lord and desiring to be restored to His fold. We particularly want to mention Carlos Ramirez, one of our members who struggled with alcohol. After some time of being away, we are glad to see him return, penitent and wanting to place Jesus before his vice. His wife, Dora, set a very good example in her faithful attendance with their sons, even during the difficult time that Carlos put them through. It’s a joy to see this family now reunited and coming to worship each week. Please keep Carlos and their entire family in your prayers.

Sunday morning, September 2, was one of those mornings when about 10 responded to the gospel call. In this number were two of our teenagers, penitent and ready to turn their lives over to God Almighty.

Both of them surprised their parents and the rest of the congregation. Leslie Zuñiga was the first to make it known that she wanted to become a Christian. Leslie’s mother, Marisol, is a member and says she been waiting for this decision for some time. The other person was Rosemary Cardena, who responded after the invitation song had been concluded. Her mother, too, was excited to see her daughter make the

decision to enter God’s Kingdom. Neither of the girl’s father is a Christian, so both mothers serve in the role of spiritual guides for their families.

That same Sunday evening another one of our teenagers rendered her life to God. Sucely Callen was baptized for the remission of her sins. It was a joy to witness her immersion into Christ. Sucely requested that Brother Hi baptize her. And, of course, it was an honor for him to do so.

The following Sunday two more of our young people entered the Lord’s church through baptism. One of them was Dulce Ramirez, the daughter of our preacher Anibal Ramirez. This was a special time for Dulce as she had just celebrated her 15th birthday (equivalent to our sweet 16). In spite of some setbacks over the past year (like her mother’s leaving home for another man and the suicide of one of her good friends), Dulce continues to try to do what is right. We have watched Dulce grow up to be the beautiful young lady she is and are so proud of her.

The other young person was Abner Mijangos. He also made the sweet confession and was immersed into Christ. Abner had been talking about this and asking a lot of questions for some time now. His mother, Nancy, and stepfather, Estuardo, are both Christians. However, sadly, they are both unfaithful to their commitment to the Lord. Abner has been attending worship with the Ordoñez family, the

family responsible for introducing his mother to the church. He says that one day he plans to preach, but right now his mission is to encourage his mother to return to the Lord. Please keep Abner and his mission in your daily prayers.

Please do not forget to keep Leslie, Rosemary, Sucely, Dulce and Abner in your daily prayers. We also ask you to please keep our youth group in your prayers. These 5 young people that you have just read about only represent a small number of the teenagers at Linda Vista. What is sad is that many of them are not Christians, especially several of our older teenager guys. We pray that these who have made this most important decision will be an example to others in the group.

We’ll close for now. Lord willing, very soon we will be sending a couple more updates. We need to update you on Guatemala Mission, ITL and San Cristobal (the work of ITL’s graduates). Thank you for being a part of our lives and the work here.

Con amor en Cristo,
Hawatthia Byron


To see the report complete with pictures, please click here.

Posted on October 15, 2012 .