Back To A Routine...

I love being back to a regular routine. As much as I enjoy all the holiday season involves, with family, friends, coworkers, and more, I am always thankful to get the new year started and focus on the work at hand.

We are continuing our development of several possible locations for new extension schools throughout the world. We are looking at three possibilities in Africa, one in South America, and another in India. There are a number of hurdles we will need to cross and several areas to be resolved. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated as we strive to complete the preliminary requirements necessary to move ahead.

Last week we talked about some of the financial struggles in a number of schools. We have received a response that will assist the work in Cameroon. However, the remaining schools mentioned face significant challenges if funds are not made available. Again, we ask for your prayers regarding these matters. If you are able to provide assistance, please contact me at Also, I ask you to pass along the report to others you know who may be able to help. The more others know, the more possibilities for God to work through someone to provide for the need.

Now on to the reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Gary Fallis sent a first of the year report. The work is good and the information is here.

Extension Reports 

Students Return, New Year, New Growth In Cameroon: 18 locations were visited by students during their break. Now they are back to classes, preparing for their last year at CBIW.

Challenges For 2012 In Cambodia: Phanat Ouch shares his goals for 2012, goals which should challenge all of us as we approach the year ahead in service to our Lord.

A Year In Review:  The school in Togo concluded 2011 in powerful ways and the plans for 2012 show even more growth to come.

Preparing For Graduation In Chandigarh: Another class will soon be completing their studies at the North India Bible College in Chandigarh. Graduation is planned for February. 

Final Thoughts
As we begin this year together, I hope you know how much your sacrifices are appreciated. Your willingness to support this work is changing lives around the world. As you read through the reports each week and read about the souls who have been won to the Lord, souls who have been restored to the Lord, and ongoing studies, know you are sharing in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. 

I am thankful for God’s Almighty hand to work through each of you as we walk side by side through this world to take the message of Jesus to others. As Paul said on several occasions, “I thank my God daily upon every remembrance of you.” You are blessing to my life and so many others around the world.

God bless

Posted on January 9, 2012 .