Preparing For Graduation In Chandigarh...

Dear Brother,

We had a good time together with the brothers from different places. Even though the challenges are there, we are determined to work for the Lord. 

Last month I did not get time to share with you, but we had a good gathering on the first Wednesday. Brother Francis David and his wife Elsy joined us that day and he presented the message. 

Today also, I had hired the hall. It is a bit expensive but to witness and invite people we have to bear that. Today I preached. The weather was chilling. Not many people could come but we are confident with this effort we may be able to invite many more people as the weather becomes cozy. 

For your information, this time we sent letters to 90+ people and expect at least this much from people across the nation in NIPL 2012 on February 16,17. This year people from Bombay, West Bengal, Gujrat and Chennai have shown interest in coming. I don’t know how to handle this much crowd with the so much limited budget, but still we trust in God and believe that He is Jehovah yireh who provides.  

I did not write earlier that we had given one week holidays to the students and during those days they were sent out to the city people in Chandigarh to share with them the Gospel and distribute among them some literature. The result was thrilling. They all enjoyed visiting people and sharing with them the truth.


Posted on January 8, 2012 .