New Year Ahead And A Summary Of 2011 Worth Reading...

Dearest in Christ,

Calvary greetings from your brothers and sisters of the Wotutu congregation and the staff and students of CBIW. We do hope this report will meet you well in all that you do. We pray God will bless you in all your endeavors.

We started our quarter well, with all the students on campus. We give thanks to God for bringing the students back on campus to continue in their last year of studies, as they will be graduating from the college, by His grace, on the 20th of December 2012. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to prepare men to go into the world, especially our country, to preach the gospel. God is using us in a way to do our best.

The first day in class, God has started working again in Wotutu, as many continue to listen to our radio program in the morning. In the picture above, Alice Ateba accepted Christ as she was baptized into Christ. One of our students, Ashu Evaristus, performed the baptism.

We have started receiving more applications from prospective students and the demand is high. More young men are gaining consciousness to get into the ministry of preaching. Please pray for Cameroon, because it is our conviction that through CBIW many things will change in Cameroon. 

Minister Abasiama, preacher with the Mile One church of Christ in Limbe, taught the students Wisdom Literature to start this new quarter. Keep him and the entire school in your prayers.

Some of the students and I attended a preacher’s forum at the church of Christ in Mudeka. During the forum there was problem about misinterpretation of Bible passages about marriage and divorce, as recorded in Matthew 19 and 1 Cor. 7, so I decided to call for a study seminar for one day on the CBIW campus in the month of March for preachers and leaders in congregations to come and let us reason together. They all agreed. Please keep the program in your prayers and share with us your view on the subject matter.

Brother Ngoe, another student, baptized Helen Marock into Christ this afternoon after worshipping with the church of Christ Wotutu for the first time, but she has been studying with us every Saturday in our evangelism and radio program. Keep all of them in your prayers for them to walk according to their calling.

Minister Bernard Mukom from Nigeria, who arrived last night, is a French preacher. I met with him in Nigeria and encouraged him to come back to Cameroon so that we shall invest ourselves towards the development of the church here in Cameroon. Right after church some brethren came to my house to greet him. Keep him in your prayers as he will travel back and get some of his things in Nigeria. He is a good tool in our vision for the French regions and started preparing our students to be fully bilingual as we live in a bilingual country so that the gospel will penetrate into all hearts.

We have raised our speakers up the zinc, so that the gospel of the saving message will go loud, clear and further than the way the waves use to go, so that more and more people in Wotutu and the villages close to Wotutu will get the message without any problem. This radio is working well. Many thanks to God for His providence. Our worship services are broadcast live and many lives are being touched. Keep our work in your fervent prayers. 

1.  We have more and more invitations to expand the sphere of the gospel in our communities. On the 26th through the 29th we are invited to attend four days of house to house evangelism by the church of Christ in lykoko villag,e some 200 miles away from Wotutu.

2.  We are praying on a daily basis as we plan to go to the French community of Nkongsamba to fully establish a congregation. Our program shows that we shall be there on the 2nd to 5th February 2012. Please keep this program in your prayers for God to provide and make our movement smooth.

3.  We shall go to the Bakkasi Mondoni village this weekend to fully establish a congregation there. Batoke Ideanua Bali still cries for students to make trips there every weekend to help the church because it was a congregation which was characterized by women, and the lone brother there was an illiterate, so sisters come and sit and go back home without anything, because no one is there to preach to them.

4.  I have the mind to divide our students every weekend to meet up with this demand. I pray God to open the way and make this work fruitful. 

Thanks very much for all you are doing for the work here in Cameroon. It is bearing fruit both in the brotherhood and outside the brotherhood. We keep lifting up your names in our prayers to God for using you this way to provoke the growth of the gospel. God will never pass you by when He returns with His reward.

Do your best to share this work with others who will love to be part. 

God bless you and watch over you.

Elangwe and Family 
By His grace, Director CBIW 

Below is the summary report of the work for the past year.

Dearest in the Lord,

God bless you all as you read and share this work with others. It is great for me to share with you all that God helped us accomplish in our congregation and CBIW. The coming of CBIW in the Wotutu congregation is a wonderful blessing, not only to our congregation, but to the entire nation and in less than no time, the work will also spread to nearby countries who are still suffering from spiritual malnutrition like Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Tchad and Central African Republic. These are countries that we share the same boundaries with in Central Africa.

Many still consider Cameroon as West Africa, but we are not. We are in Central Africa, and this shows that there is a lot of work in this African sub region. The harvest is really ripe, but the laborers are few. We continue to pray daily for God to encourage as many as He can to come over to CBIW to be trained so that more workers will be sent to the field.

In 2011 the work was like this.

1.  We made a total of 10 weekend evangelism trips. It is really less because we hadn’t enough means to send our students on weekly basis.

2.  We made a total of 12 monthly evangelism trips to congregations on invitation for Bible lectureships, which was highly evangelistic.

3.  We made a total of 4 campaigns which come at the end of each quarter. 

1.  MONTHLY: at least  5 studies from each students. We started with 22 students and the number dropped very close to the end of the year to 19 students as we continue now with 18.

2.  WEEKLY: at least 2-3 studies per student during our weekly evangelism trips.

3.  In 2011 we had a total of 226 souls baptized and added to many congregations all over Cameroon most especially in Wotutu congregation the seat of the school.

4.  In 2011 we had 170 souls restored to congregations around the country.

5.  Four congregations were established by our efforts in Cameroon.

6.  Seven congregations were revived. 

1.  Sick students with no medical fund in the school as of now.

2.  Many transportation problems delayed, and at times missed our trips, because of lack of permanent transportation.

3.  Because of no transportation of our own, no good follow up in new areas of our work, like to check on new converts and newly established congregation for nurturing. Some congregations were left in the hands of young converts who may not know better the ways of the Lord to teach others.

4.  Lack of Bibles for new converts. 

By His grace, this is 2012, if many of these problems can be handled, the work will take another level. 

I give glory to God for all His grace that we enjoyed throughout the year and I equally thank you and your families and the family of the congregations where you worship with for all your great concern, prayers and support for the work here. The work is moving on well. Thanks many times for your love for the gospel. God will not pass you by when He comes for His reward. Thank you, again I say thank you. God bless you.

Elangwe and family, by His grace
Director CBIW

Posted on January 15, 2012 .