Meeting The Challenge In Cambodia...

In keeping with the tremendous challenge for the new year in Cambodia, Phanat is holding true to writing weekly. I missed getting his first report, so it is attached below, along with the report this week. Great stuff!

This week I've engaged in a conversation about Jesus Christ to 4 new people. My goal is to talk to 100 new people and, as of now, I am on a good pace. If I can talk to at least two new people a week, then I'll hit my goal. I ask that you keep me in your prayers. I hope that these conversations will lead to invites and Bible studies. I want to be an example in opening my mouth to talk about Jesus to my family and those around me and also develop this healthy habit of not being ashamed or timid when it comes to my faith.

The local basketball guys and I did a bike trail at Angkor Wat. One of the new guys I talked to about Jesus is name Chamroen. He rode in the back. Pray that we continue to build our relationship, but more importantly him beginning a relationship with Christ!

Week 1 January 2012

Greetings Loved ones,

For our first week into the new year, Chann had organized a local leadership meeting to come and discuss our experiences in our works in different parts of the country. We had teachers of bible schools, evangelists of local congregations, and children's home staff come and share about their work and how we can improve in serving our Lord. It was a very good meeting and I want to thank Chann for taking the initiative in getting everyone together so that we can lift each other up. This is a blessing to me in that we have local leaders stepping up to organize such events, revealing their spiritual growth and future autonomy. They are not dependent upon the missionaries from abroad to lead or organize such events and that's what I am so proud of.

We also had a wedding ceremony done at the church building for Sokchea (preacher for Leang Dai church of Christ) and Pisey (staff of Hannah's Hope Children's Home)! It was a wonderful wedding! It's really good to see Christian couples forming right before my eyes. This will help out the work and the country of Cambodia a great deal! We are expecting 3 more weddings to happen in the next 3 months! It's amazing how God is blessing the work and people here! What a way to start off the new year! Our God is a tremendous God indeed!


Posted on January 15, 2012 .