As we remember the tragedy of 9/11, the lives lost, sacrifices of many who went to help, and a country changed forever, the lessons continue. We have a greater perspective on the value of life and family. We understand how the direction of the future can change in an instant. We also know the need to be prepared for every situation. The most important lesson to learn is we need God.
I am sure pulpits across the United States, and maybe around the world, focused on the lessons connected to the anniversary of 9/11. I was privileged to hear one of the finest lessons before the Lord’s Supper by Michael Hite. He spoke of how our minds instantly recall images when we hear the numbers 9/11. What do we recall when we hear numbers like 27/50; 15/37; 23/46; or 19/30? These are the passages from the gospels that express the last breath our Savior took on the cross. These numbers should bring powerful images to mind.
At a time when our world is focused on the events of 10 years ago, as Christians, our thoughts should weekly, yes daily, remember the events of almost 2,000 years ago when our Savior came in the flesh and gave His life to provide access to heaven. The way of salvation was secured through His sacrifice.
This is indeed the purpose behind the work we do in Extension Training. With each week, I am increasingly privileged to share in the efforts of so many to help prepare men around the world in the sound doctrine of God’s word. I count it one of God’s greatest blessings given to me in the opportunity to see it, read about it, and share in this work. Thank you for making this possible.
The reports this week focus on many areas around the world expressing the greatness of our God working through faithful men for the good of the Kingdom.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Extension Reports
BVBIU Report: The new class of students are now preparing themselves for the Lord's work. Read more about each of the students and see their pictures in this month's report from Dennis.
A Ghana Perspective On The Loss Of Sister Avril: One of the most tragic events occurred just after graduation at the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies. Brother Baah’s report share more.
ITL: Guatemala City, Guatemala
The next three reports are all connected to the work started by Byron Benetiz and Hawatthia Jones in Guatemala City. The work is growing and exciting to read about.
New Students Begin ITL: A new class recently began at the Theological Institute of Latin America. This report shares more about this new class.
Studies With The World English Institute: Part of the work in Guatemala involves the efforts of several connected with the World English Institute. This report shares information about the WEI and the work accomplished in Guatemala.
Team Mission Report, Guatemala: The team that works in Guatemala is doing a great work at spreading the gospel. This report is only part of the wonderful news.
God Blesses The Fund Raising In Uganda: Francis Wechesa reports on the ways God is blessing efforts to raise funds to help a brother in Christ in Uganda.
Tanzania Leadership Conference Is Set To Begin: Along with several exciting events, new brothers and sisters in Christ, and visitors from the U.S., Cy Stafford is making plans for the Tanzania Leadership Conference.
Ladies Seminar And Lessons Learned From 9/11: Jimmy Gee’s report this week share news about a recent event and one from 10 years ago.
Final Thoughts
I know the report is lengthy, if you read each report. However, the work of the Lord is spreading, growing, and changing the lives of people all around the world. I am not trying to speak for anyone else, but I think we feel the same in how great it is to know we are sharing in this work.
Thank you for all you do to make this work possible. Without you, the world would be a different place...but not for the better. Because of you, lives are being changed and this is what Extension Training is all about. Thank you!
God bless