God Blesses The Fund Raising In Uganda

Dear brethren,

Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ who is always on our side as we strive to do his will. I did not send my weekly newsletter due to our usual problem of power. On Saturday, 3rd September 2011, I left Busia heading to Nairobi, Kenya to attend fund raising drive for brother Samson Omutele's son who is pursuing higher education in Kenyatta University of Nairobi. 30 people were expected to come but only 16 turned up for the occasion. The target of the funds needed was 80,000/= Kenya money which is almost $889 dollars for the first semester. We managed to raise 60,000/=$668 dollars. We thanked the Lord for that much. Brother Samson will start from there. 

I worshiped with Babadogo Church of Christ where brother Samson Omutele is the preacher. On 5th September I arrived back from Nairobi and on 6th September 2011, I started teaching at Uganda School of Evangelism in a short course. This time as I said earlier, I am teaching (missions Church planting) /World Evangelism. I will be ending on 16th September 2011. May the Lord bless you all. 

Francis Wechesa

Posted on September 11, 2011 .