The Joy Of Extension Training...

Reading about the impact of the Extension Schools around the world brings such joy to my heart. According to the e-mail I receive from many of you reading the reports, the feelings are mutual. I love reading about the lives being changed because of the gospel taught throughout the world. This week’s report continues to emphasize more of the same growth.

I appreciate the effort put forth to communicate the development of the work in these locations. Their effort to provide reports about the activities within the school and the outreach of the students keeps us all informed. These men are extremely busy and the time they set aside to communicate about the work shows the love they have for the Lord. It also shows their understanding of how much others benefit from reading about the work. They want others to share in the same joy they experience. It further expresses their gratitude. They know your prayers and support keep this work moving forward.

I have enjoyed the opportunity of sharing the work with individuals and congregations around the country through e-mail and personal reports. I had the joy of sharing information about the work of Bear Valley and the Extension Program with the Mt. Juliet congregation near Nashville, Tennessee this past Sunday. It was so uplifting to share in our time of worship together. Ray Birchett, who is from the Mt. Juliet congregation, recently moved to Denver to begin his studies at the Bear Valley Bible Institute. It was a great privilege to be with the congregation and I am thankful they are part of this work.

We are constantly looking for others to be involved in the work of training men to preach the gospel. The need is evident in this country and every country around the world. Please share the report with others and let us know if there is anyone we can visit with about the work. We want to provide a greater awareness of this work to everyone.

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Chad Wagner recently returned from the graduation in Nigeria. His future plans involve moving to Tanzania to work with the Chimala Bible Institute. His report explains more details. Click here to read it.

Extension Reports 

Cameroon Students Prepare For Campaign: As students finish two short courses they prepare for a campaign to reach out in 15 locations.

Leadership Class In Takoradi: Keith Kasarjian, Assistant Director to the Extension program, recently returned from Takoradi after teaching a class on leadership. The expectations for a first trip are always encouraging.

New Class And Campaign In Togo: CBS prepares for the next class of students and a recent campaign has seen fruit in Togo.

East Africa Gospel Meeting: Francis Wechesa writes about a recent Gospel meeting in East Africa that continues to reach lives.

Tanzania 2000 Impact In East Africa: The growth evidenced from graduates of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching is impacting East Africa.

One Beautiful And Exciting Conversion: The Gee Report shares news about the progress of the work in Arusha, Tanzania. This week’s report has an incredible story worth reading. 

Final Thoughts
There are never adequate words to express appreciation for the way your support of this work is bearing such fruit. The Lord has been very good to us in the work we are doing together to take the gospel around the world. 

Training men to preach the gospel in their own country is effecting the lives of people everywhere. It is powerful to read and learn about the difference being made through the Extension program at Bear Valley.

Thank you for making it possible.

God bless

Posted on August 29, 2011 .