East Africa Gospel Meeting...

Dear brethren,

We thank God always for brethren. Through your support a lot is being done here in Uganda. We have just finished our one week East Africa gospel meeting. Thank you for your prayers. 250 Christians attended the meeting. These came from over 30  congregation of East Africa.

Over one hundred homes were reached by the gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 5 people were baptized and many believed and promised to be baptized. We are ending our second quarter on 1st September and start our short course after one week rest. May the Lord bless you as you serve Him. 

As it always happens, yesterday I could not write to you because of power. But all the same we thank God very much for all what he is doing for us. We are still doing well. Uganda School of Evangelism students have one week break as from 26th August 2011. On 6th I will start teaching a short course. This time we did not get any short course teacher from U.S.A. I will be teaching about church planting (world Evangelism). On 6th I will start with English class students and finish with them on 10th September 2011. The Kiswahili class will start on 12th September up to 16th September 2011. 

On the side of the churches we have planted where graduates are helping as preachers, we have got a very big problem. Most of them have brought a wrong doctrine from the anti brethren. A brother from Tanzania who used to work with Tanzania 2000 mission in Arusha by the name Boaz Auma has come with one missionary from America teaching that those who use many cups in the Lord's supper are sinning. They are promising to start giving them monthly support and buy them plots and build church buildings for them. Because of the need they have of support they are with them. I am still waiting things to cool and then I will start visiting those congregations and see what members are saying. But for now we need your prayers.

Wechesa  Francis

Posted on August 28, 2011 .