This is the best word I know to use in describing the news about Extension Training. Each week the reports continue to arrive on my desktop about growth in the Lord’s kingdom. It is exciting to report and, frankly, it is incredible.
I will let the reports speak for themselves. I want to encourage you to take a few moments to read each report and the news from each location. As the Lord continues to bless this work, I know the reports will grow in enthusiasm.
While there is always more to do than we have time to get done, we know the steps we have taken in the past year are the foundation for a powerful year ahead in 2011. Your help continues to make this work possible and for this reason we give thanks to our God for each of you.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Gary Fallis and Jerry Bates have returned from Visakhapatnam, India where they have been working with the Visakha Valley Bible College, one of Bear Valley’s Extension Schools.
Donnie Bates is in Honduras. You can read current information about his trip at the following address: /donnie-bates-reports/2011/2/4/danli-honduras-february-4-2011.html
Howell Ferguson’s report is located at the following address: /howell-ferguson-reports/
Garry Hill, working with the Chimala Bible Institute, sent the following report for January.
Chimala Bible Institute opened its doors with 28 students on January 17. The Chimala School of Preaching and Chimala Bible College have been combined in partnership with the Chimala Mission and Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. We are now authorized to offer the Associate degree and the Bachelors degree for our hard working students.
The start of a new school year is always exciting and new students and old were greeted with the new opportunities to study God’s word with new curriculum and programs. I moved to the mission with Rebecca Benson to start the school year. Rebecca will be the Librarian and Dean of Women, teaching the research classes at the school and ladies classes in the villages. We immediately began preaching in the village churches on the Lord’s Day and are excited about working with many of the struggling congregations around the mission. We are looking forward to the many evangelistic opportunities this year.
Our students are receiving a well rounded education with opportunities for practical experience. This past weekend several teachers and students went on evangelistic campaigns. Also Ezekiel Harrison, one of the CBI instructors, and Rebecca taught two large children’s classes at area congregations. Brother Hill spoke in chapel twice and preached at the Mbeya, Uturu and Chimala A congregations.
Please pray for us as we continue the Lord’s work here in the southern region of Tanzania.
Garry Hill
Extension Reports
Planting The Seed In Arusha: This post contains two reports. One from Cy and Stephanie Staffort and from Jimmy Gee's family. It shows the progress of the work in Arusha.
Planning The Future Of BVBIU: The report from Ukraine explains the efforts being made for the future.
An Exciting Future For Cambodia: Phanat explains the events of the past month in view of the future ahead for the International Bible Institute of Siem Reap.
Cambodia Grows: Chann Lork reports on the growth in Cambodia.
The Church Storms A City In Nigeria: This is worth the read. Take my word for it.
CBIW Recognition: Cameroon continues to be a hot spot for news in the Lord's kingdom.
Final Thoughts
What a great week! Nothing is more encouraging than to read reports of the work students are doing to bring about growth in the kingdom. God is truly blessing the work around the world.
Thank you for understanding and having the vision for this work. Your support financially, your prayers, and your ability through service keep this work growing and successful. I cannot express my appreciation enough for your diligence and dedication to training men to preach the gospel. I will have more next week.
God bless