Greetings, dear brethren,
Hope you are doing well. January was a very productive month for us and we accomplished everything that had been planned. We thank God for your support and your prayers.
Trips to the Churches of Christ & potential students.
On January 2 my wife and I visited our friends (Valeriy and Julia Kachuk) in Kharkov and worshiped with Kharkiv Church of Christ (Alekseevsky district). We have very good relationship with the preacher of this congregation and hopefully next year we will have a student from Kharkov. His name is Vlad. Please pray for him.
On January 22 we went to a rehabilitation center that is located in the village of Malomihailovka in Dnepropetrovsk region (they work with alcoholics and drug addicts). The center had been established by church of Christ Christians. Our purpose was to tell them about the Institute and invite people who were seriously interested.
Also we have plans to pay a visit to Church of Christ in Petrovsky district of Donetsk. It’s one of the largest congregations in Ukraine that has its own eldership. They are looking forward to seeing us and would like to hear about the Institute and its work.
Also I was contacted by two more church of Christ members. One of them is a young lady from Russia. Her name is Julia. And the other one is a guy from Kramatorsk whose name is Yury. They’d like to join the program beginning next school year. Please pray for them too.
Work at the Institute.
Everything is fine with the Bible program. During this month the first year students had Joshua, Judges, Ruth and these were taught by Alexander Rodnaev who is a preacher in Krasnoarmeysk. Now they are studying 1 and 2 Samuel taught by Viktor Semikoz and the Book of Isaiah taught by Andrew Zhuravlev.
The second year students had 1 and 2 Thessalonians that I taught and The World Religions taught by Albert Bagdasaryan. At present they are having Prison Epistles. All of our instructors have Master Degree from Bear Valley.
We rent a gym for our students. We play soccer and volleyball there. Not only our students but the young people who come to the Central Church of Christ in Gorlovka go there too. I think it’s a very good evangelical strategy and also a bonus for us in attracting new students.
Heating And Utility Bills
This year we can’t use our heating fully, the prices on electricity in Ukraine went 30% up. We are still using electric fans and convectors in the classrooms. Practically all utility bills went 10-20% up (the land lease, water bill, taxes on the workers in the building).
Work In The Lord’s Vineyard
One of our students leads the worship service at his house in Dimitrov. His name is Roman Kamaev. Please pray for him and the future of the church in this city. My family is fully involved in the work of Central congregation in Gorlovka. We are trying to encourage the brethren and be useful in all spheres of service. I like to work with the preacher (Andrew Zhuravlev). I think we are a good team. Last Sunday my wife Vera taught the Ladies’ class – it was her debut.
Thank you again for the prayers, patience and care that you provide for us. The students and I give our regards to all of you and we all are really looking forward to Howell, Denton and many other brothers (if it’s God’s will) coming to Ukraine.
“For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:36)
The need of having the Bible Institute in Ukraine.
At present the mission that is being accomplished by the Bible Institute can not be underestimated. First of all, we constantly get together with the preachers who hold on to the sound doctrine. Secondly, we train men with the right understanding of the Biblical doctrines. Thirdly, we are trying to influence the liberal movement that is present in Ukraine. And fourthly, we are enlarging the circle of communication and spread the right doctrine.
I think these are weighty factors for the God’s work in Ukraine, just like Paul wrote in 2Tim. 4:2-3. The work needs to be continued with all the responsibility before the Lord.
If you have some comments or wishes please let me know. Also I have a request: if you have some important books that we need to have in our library please send them to us. We will find a way to have them translated.
May the Lord bless you,
Your brother in Christ,