The Joy Of The Mission Field...

Greetings Fellow Workers,

It is with great joy in my heart and with much thanksgiving that I write this Short Report. Having been on furlough for several weeks getting some much needed grand children bonding, presenting and reporting on the good work God is doing here in Tanzania, it is so good to be “home”. The only down side is my sweet bride is yet to follow. She has remained back to care for her mother who is recovering well from her last surgery. Thank you all for the many prayers, visits, cards and well wishes on Exel’s behalf. Prayers have been answered. 

Yesterday morning, having been up since 3:00 a.m. (you guessed it, jet lag), I was reminded of the great God and creator of this wonderful earth we are so privileged to be stewards of. I sat on the front porch and watched the sun rise over a blanket of clouds covering the eastern skies. I was also reminded of the fact it is indeed a privilege to be called a child of God and to be doing what we have been blessed to do, here in TZ among some of the most wonderful people I have ever known, anywhere. 

This morning I was again blessed beyond measure as I, along with the Kisongo congregation, was blessed in both the Bible class and in the worship hour by two fine lesson from two of our Andrew Connally School of Preaching students. The singing was so edifying! It was a joy to be a part of worship where “time” was not even a consideration. Three hours or so later more than 80 of God’s finest, exited the building, shacking the hand of each person. I guess you could say, Cy was really glad to be “home” (I know, I already said that). 

And just when I thought it could not get any better, I received a text from our brother Yusuph informing me of two new converts at Ushirombo. God has blessed his work here in East Africa on such a grand scale. Thank you all for making this work possible and for allowing God to work through you. To God be the glory, great things he continues to do! Be strong in the Lord and in His great might. 

In Him, Cy & Stephanie

Posted on February 27, 2011 .