Major Campaign Planned...

Dearest in Christ,

On the right is a family picture of the students and the director took with minister, Awum Nicholas. He visited them from Kumba, 80 kilometers away from Wotutu. He is also the adviser to the school as appointed by the director. He brought greetings from his local congregation and support to the students.

We send our love from Wotutu, the seat of the Cameroon Bible institute. We give many thanks to God for His love and protection over our lives here in Wotutu. I do hope you are also doing fine. We pray for you daily because of your commitment to the work of the Lord.

Let me bring before you what happened in Wotutu in CBIW in the cause of last week.

Monday was the beginning of long course exams for the students. All of them were present to take the exams. They have gone through three courses and the last one will be this 28th February and on the 1st of March they shall start the short courses where I and minister Abasiama will lecture with exams for 10 days and on the 11th of March the students will travel out of Wotutu for campaign. This first campaign is divided into two. Some students will go to other congregations to strengthen them while some, including me, will travel to an area far from Wotutu to plant a congregation in one of our student’s village. Many have been praying for that area to have a congregation, because it is a whole region without the church of Christ. So that will be our first campaign in view of planting a congregation there. Please remember us in your prayers for success and support.

The pics I will share with you show the great works the students are doing in Wotutu to houses close to the church hall and the residential home of the students. We are working on this slogan WOTUTU FOR JESUS. With boldness all homes are being visited by CBIW students every Saturday for visiting and evangelism. I arranged this so that the students will be friendly in this community and by doing so make converts for the Lord.

One denominational pastor who was the closest neighbor to the students left the apartment because he refuses to believe the truth from the students. His morning prayers SPEAKING IN TONGUES was the bone of contentions with the students, so he left untimely.

Brother Mbappe, a student preacher, administering baptism in Wotutu.Minister Awum Nicholas, who graduated from a Bible school in 1975, exhorts the students during chapel on the COST OF DISCIPLESHIP. He was most welcome to share his experiences since then till now in the ministry.

Below is brother Innocent baptizing another soul in Wotutu also. The church in Wotutu has started receiving the benefit of the school as the students visit them in their home on weekends and also others in the village. This is leading to the coming of first time visitors in our worship.

We are thankful to God for His grace. Please, we need to put more effort in Evangelism which is our goal in CBIW, but a lot needs to be put in place like the public address system to reach out to more people from a spot.

The picture below and right is of two sisters from the Wotutu congregation who came to the school from their farms with plantains, vegetables and tomatoes to give to the students.

Share this report with others. It may be God is preparing someone somewhere to use to accomplish some things in the mission efforts in Cameroon.

Our address remains in case you have some items to post to us. God will see you through. AMEN

Elangwe and Family.

By His grace, director CBIW

Posted on February 27, 2011 .