Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,
Dodge ball, wheelbarrow, piggy-back and leap-frog races, tug-of-war, ball-in-the-bucket game, shoe pile-up contest, obstacle course, wet-sponge fight and sunburns (for the white folks), refreshments, exhaustion and loads of fun and laughter all added up to our first annual Kisongo Field Day! Over 60 children, plus about 10 adults, joined in the fun with the wet-sponge fight being the favorite event. Our sincere thanks to the Fairhope Church of Christ for the candy, prizes, pencils and homemade cards that were placed in “goody bags” for the children to take home. Personally, we really appreciated Lauren and our four older girls for all their help. Todd also “constructed” the obstacle course. Field Day was truly a joint effort! Please enjoy the pictures taken by Lauren Kelly and Abigail and Heather Gee. The congregation has been invited to the ACSOP this Friday to view all the Field Day pictures via projector and large screen.
This past week, Todd conducted 3 Bible studies and visited 3 people to encourage them to be faithful. Lauren accompanied Todd on some of his studies, conducted 2 other studies and visited 3 others. Both Todd and Lauren have more studies scheduled for this week.
This morning Todd preached on “Avoiding Spiritual Desolation,” Abigail and Lauren taught the children, Jimmy taught the men’s class and Trina taught the Ladies (continuing with Genesis). Lauren is scheduled to teach the Women for the second time on Thursday evening on Proverbs 16. We get to enjoy Todd and Lauren only 4 more days!
We think we failed to report last week that both Theresia and Grace participated in the week long Tanzania Christian Camp. Unfortunately, our new Christian sister, Theresia, didn’t come to services this morning because she had “too much work to do.” Lindsey is scheduled to study with her tomorrow. Abigail studied with Grace three times before camp and has another study set up for tomorrow.
Yesterday, we enjoyed a big meal of ham with potatoes and carrots, mashed potatoes, cheese, rice and broccoli casserole, rolls and Rice Krispy treats (all cooked by Abigail except the sweets). We opened some gifts and mainly just enjoyed being together. We hope your Christmas weekend has been a good memory for you.
In Christ,
The Gee's
To view the report, complete with pictures, just click here.