I never cease to be amazed at the various workings in the extension program. It constantly reminds me of the need to be humble and trust God to do far beyond all we ask or think. The growth of the work continues to be exciting, as you will see from the reports listed below.
Along with the good news in the development of the work, there are always challenges to maintaining the growth and development of the current program and the future. A friend of mind recently said; “if there were no problems, then you would probably not be growing.” All I could think about was “we must be really growing.”
We are growing. Over the next 18 months there are wonderful possibilities for growth. A number of factors must be worked out and criteria met before we are able to see the fruit of our labors. However, God has and is opening several doors to great opportunities. I look forward to being able to share all the news as it develops.
Thank you for your time and effort into the development of training men to preach the gospel. No matter what level of involvement you have, know you are appreciated, loved and prayed for each day. Thank you!
Now on to those reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Extension Reports
Numerical And Spiritual Growth In Cambodia: Chann Lork reports on the growth of the work in Cambodia among several congregations.
Staff Meets To Decide The Future: The staff at the Center for Biblical Studies in Togo recently met to work out details for the future growth of the work.
A New Congregation And Much More: Steven Ashcraft reports on the planting of a new congregation, along with much more in the work in Ghana and Togo.
2nd Annual Lectureship A Success: The report from Uganda emphasizes the success of a recent lectureship and outreach in the work.
A Glimpse Of The Whole Story: What began with the vision of 20 years in Tanzania has grown incredibly. Recent events feature God’s increase in the efforts of the ACSOP.
WWW In Arusha - You Need To Read To Know: The news in Arusha, Tanzania continues to show growth in several areas. This is one to read.
Final Thoughts
I realize it is the time of year many people are focused on the love of family, the excitement of giving, and the joys of friendship. I know there are some overseas who are separated from their families. Please know you are remembered. I also know of those who are not able to be home because of their efforts to make so much of our freedoms available. You are both remembered and appreciated.
Wherever you are and whatever you do this time of year, I hope you are able to be with those who are closest to you and share a time of great fellowship together. It all reminds me of the time we will one day be together forever in the fellowship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is certainly our focus everyday each year.
May God bless you and yours. Happy Holidays!