One More Soul Rescued From Satan's Grip...

To Our Co-Workers:

Greetings from Tanzania, East Africa, where one more soul has been rescued from Satan’s grip!  Sixteen-year-old Theresia obeyed the Gospel this past Thursday after approximately 11 studies with our daughter Lindsey. Thank you for your prayers!

We are thankful for some rain these past couple of days. Jimmy taught the Men’s Bible Class and preached on the “Love of God." Several asked for prayers including two who confessed sin. Lindsey taught the Ladies’ Class on Genesis 22 where God asks Abraham to offer Isaac. What hard thing does God ask of you (through the Scripture) and can you find an extra measure of faith in order to obey as Abraham did? Shortly before services ended, we drove a lady named Lydia to the clinic. She was having sharp pains in her back and was having trouble walking (maybe a pinched nerve or sciatic nerve problem). Please pray for her.

Jimmy continued his follow-up studies with Rosemary and Yusta on Saturday. Yusta, who has been a Christian for about four months, said she was approached by a man asking what she believed. She showed him, using a tract on how to become a Christian. Yusta gave him her own Bible to take and check to see if the tract agreed with the Bible. He came back to her admitting that what she said was true. They have studied further and were watching a religious channel on TV one day. After a while the man said "Let's turn this TV off, it is only confusing us and leading us away from the Bible." What a joy to see Yusta growing and teaching others even as a babe in Christ!

Visiting teacher, Earl Edwards, arrived safe and sound (although his flight was delayed). Besides teaching 1 and 2 Corinthians (a short course) he will speak on different nights to the students on “Using One Cup” and “Head Coverings.” His time and work in Tanzania is greatly appreciated!

It was great to see Lembris (one-year-old Christian) leading us in partaking of the Lord’s Supper.  This is a big step for him and he did just fine. The Kisongo church is growing both numerically and spiritually. The New Convert’s class continues every Sunday morning with Abraham Mrutu teaching on the basics of Christian living.

Since the Bible says to “render to all their due," we would like to “spot-light” one of our daughters who freely serves others without much recognition. Heather, 13 years old, absolutely adores babies, and takes every opportunity to help mothers. She enjoys keeping Nicodemus (almost 1 year old) while his mother goes to the clinic with her new baby. Heather also helps to watch two young children while their mom goes to the market every Wednesday. Women in the congregation often hand Heather their babies when they need a break. They trust her and have confidence in her.

The two missionary families will enjoy a Thanksgiving Dinner at the Stafford House on Thursday with turkey, ham and the “fixings.” On our list of blessings to be thankful for will, of course, be you, our loyal supporters who work with us to accomplish God’s Will in Tanzania. Thank you for all that you have done! It is our wish that you will enjoy time with your families and realize all of your blessings from the Great Giver who gave the Ultimate Gift, Jesus. 

In Christ,
The Gee's

Posted on November 20, 2011 .