Greetings Fellow Workers:
What a joy it is to be a part of God’s family and to be privileged to be a part of His evangelistic efforts here in Tanzania. We thank our God daily for you all, your continued prayers, notes of encouragement, visits and support of this mission effort. The good being done continues to awe me and those who come and see first hand the growth taking place day by day.
“Christianity At Its Best” - Day by day we march the road to be with our Heavenly Father for ever. Each and every day we are blessed with, by our God, is an opportunity to make a difference in the life of those we come in contact with. God is faithful in answering our prayers; prayers for opportunities to teach others about the Love of God and the hope found only in Christ. All to often, I am afraid we do not pray this prayer. I am afraid perhaps we do not “look” for opportunities to share the best News Ever, with our fellow man. I am afraid we might “miss” many opportunities to do the right thing at the right time, making a positive eternal difference in our “neighbors” life.
On a recent trip to Ushirombo we had the privileged of working with one our graduates from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, Yusuph Madaki. One morning Yusuph said to me; “we have a study with my neighbor.” On our way to the neighbors home Yusuph related what had happened the year before. He said that his neighbor had “wronged” him. He went on to say the penalty for his offense, he was to pay 100,000/- in damages. When my neighbor brought the money, I told him; “keep your money, I forgive you.”
What an example of “loving your neighbor as yourself.” I cannot help but believe this “turning the other check” that our good brother practiced on that faithful day; helped too leave an “open door” for teaching and preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. Oh, that we as God’s children would more often; “suffer the wrong” even when we believe we are in the “right.” Oh, that we might live lives more like Stephen, like Christ, yes, like our good brother Yusuph!
I am asked the question often; “what are the people of Tanzania like? What are the preachers of Tanzania like?” My answer? Many are like Jesus! I am thankful for the honor of working with some of God’s “finest.” I am thankful to God for being a part of His family, some of the finest. I thank you, for being some of God’s finest!
May our week be one that glorifies God through the good you do in expressing your love for your neighbor!
In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny