Assistant Director...

I am excited to announce the appointment of Keith Kasarjian to the position of Assistant Director in the Extension Program. Keith has been involved with the extension program since it began in 1997. He has worked in the area of teaching in nearly every location where extension schools exist. His experience in foreign travel, ability to teach, sound foundation in the faith, and work as a coordinator made him the right choice for this position.

Keith has primarily served the last few years as coordinator for the Comprehensive School of Management and Technology in Abakaliki, Nigeria. Prior to his work with the school in Nigeria, Keith taught and assisted in nearly all of the extension locations. You can read more about Keith’s credentials and work here.

As the program continues to grow, the need for experienced administration will grow. We are all thankful for Keith’s willingness to assume the responsibilities of this position. His desire to assist in the work of training men to preach will serve the program well. If you would like to contact Keith, you can write him at

As you have already noticed, the report this week is full of news from around the world. Please take time to read the updates on each of the locations reporting. As always, I continue to be encouraged by the work of so many faithful brethren to train faithful men to preach the gospel. Continue to join us in prayer on behalf of these men and their locations of service to our God.

Coordinator Updates

Several reports were sent from coordinators in the program. Each report provides information about the activities of each of these men 

Read about the work in Chimala in Howell Ferguson's latest report.

Donnie Bates has also included his report about the work in Honduras.

Extension Reports

Kathmandu, Nepal

Gajendra Deshar's report shows growth from the short course taught. Read more here.

Report on the Nepal Center for Biblical Studies Extension School

Rusty Dawson recently returned from teaching in the Nepal Center for Biblical Studies. His report and assessment of his time in Nepal is found here.

Siem Reap, Cambodia

The work in Cambodia is exciting and continues to grow. Read more about the work

Visakhapatnam, India

The preacher's fellowship in India is seeing growth. Read more about it in the Visakha Valley Bible College report.

Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Future Preacher's Training Camp is about to begin in Arusha. Read Cy Stafford’s latest report here.

Final Thoughts

Just a closing word of thanks. I will never be able to adequately express how much your support is appreciated. It takes everyone working together for the success of this program. Without God working through each of you, it is not possible.  Thank you.

God bless


Posted on December 6, 2010 .