VVBC Report – Fall – 2010
Evangelism & Edification is the primary concern while holding a preachers’ fellowship meeting. This program is truly bringing up awareness in the preachers about working together or team work. False doctrine with a cream layer of N.T church doctrine is intruding the Christian world resulting in stunning damage among the brotherhood, by which Christians are accepting or favorable to denominations, assuming that they are also of the same faith. It is truly unfortunate to witness this situation among the Church with a history of only 35-40 yrs. However, some wise preachers are responding to this kind of delicate situation with an enthusiastic spirit by holding Bible Classes and gospel meetings to defend the truth and build up the congregations in truth and faith. We were blessed to be invited by some congregations and be a part of this encouraging program. Surely this has given good results. We were able to hold gospel meetings & Bible Classes. As a result, 16 people have been added to the Church, with many contacts for local preachers to do the follow up. Our Bible College students & faculty are very blessed to be part of this.
Special Bible Classes for Men Preachers &Teachers
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”
2 Tim 3:16-17
These special Bible classes have been meant for encouraging the preachers to carry on their learning attitude. Now a days teachers & preachers are in need of these classes to help them enhance their knowledge source. Brother Louis Rushmore from World Evangelism has done a remarkable job of teaching about parables. Brother Therman Hodge focused on reviving the preachers about the mission we are called for. Our students and the preachers from Visakha benefited so much through these classes. Louis Rushmore’s wife, Bonnie, has taught the women separately, and did a remarkable job too. Classes like this are really beneficial for the preachers to build up their knowledge source. Brother Rushmore has given us opportunity to translate 3 of his gospel pamphlets into our mother tongue ‘Telugu’. It is in the process we shall be publishing them by the early next year. We publish now...
We had an attendance of 72 preachers for these two days classes. We presented them with Bibles and Hymn Books
One-on-One study
These studies always give amazing results. Our Bible College has become a place for this. Srinu, is a young man who has spent a couple of weeks studying the N.T Doctrine with the Director and faculty, finally obeying the truth
Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately. Acts 18:26-27
It is certainly a joyous occasion to witness the believers being added to the Church. Brother Satyam, who is one of our students (auditing), has learned about the True Church and obeyed the truth, after an extensive study into the New Testament Doctrine. His conversion has lead to a problem of finding a Church to worship our God in truth & spirit, and also to break the bread. He was traveling a long distance to gather with a Church to fulfill this New Testament pattern. However, when this seems to be difficult, also anxious about worshiping in his native place, he waited no time to begin studying with his wife and teach her about the New Testament Church. After a week long study she realized the truth and wanted to be baptized immediately. However her husband, Satyam, wanted to spend more days explaining the pattern of New Testament worship, clarifying her questions. During the Two days of Bible classes for Women at Skinner’s Garden, she came forward and obeyed the truth. They both went back to their village rejoicing. A couple of weeks after her baptism we heard about them breaking bread together. Interesting thing is, within those two weeks they were working closely with others who are following the same denominational pattern like they were. Now a few of their friends attend their worship service. The most exciting news is a denominational preacher who wants to come and join in the Bible College in Visakha. To us they both are working as Aquila & Priscilla, helping their denominational friends to understand the True Doctrine. We are excited about our upcoming visit to their place to hold a gospel campaign. They are going to be some very effective tools for the extension of Lord’s kingdom in their area. Kindly pray for them.
Our loving God blessed us with another successful Youth Rally with an attendance of 680; resulting in the addition of 14 young souls to the Church. Speakers for this Rally gave a wonderful presentation about God’s plan & purpose for mankind. Through this program we were able to encourage several teenagers and also the preachers who are striving to encourage the youth in their congregations. A country like India, which has millions of young people, needs such programs to bring them to Christ
· Master Classes from 24 Jan – 4 Feb 2011, Instructor: Garry Fallis, BVBID.
· Short course classes for Under Grad student from 24 Jan – 4 Feb 2011, Instructor : Jerry Bates, Coordinator BVBID.
· Graduation Exercises—April 14 2011, at VVBC facility, Visakhapatnam