It's All In The Landing...

I have flown numerous times over the last 18 months in working with the extension program. Rarely, and I mean rarely, do I have any concerns in the take off of the plane. Generally speaking, the approach does not phase me much either. However, it is all about the landing.

I have been on board domestic and international flights alike. I know the inside of a “puddle-jumper” and first class on Boeing 757 or the Airbus 330. There are times the landing is smooth and times when I am thankful to just be on the ground.

The purpose of the article is not to talk about flying, strangely enough. However, we are approaching 2011. Our approach is found in working to complete the final elements of 2010, wrap up the needed areas, and make certain everything is in place to begin a new year. As we make the final approach, I remind myself it is all in the landing. 

Everyone who shares in the work of Extension Training knows how important it is to make proper preparation before beginning a new work or a new year. There are challenges in shoring up financial support in each location. Transitioning to a standardized curriculum adds a degree of difficulty. Recruiting, evangelistic campaigns, graduations, etc. all emphasize the need for a good landing.

Beginning the new school in Cameroon presents the need for establishing curriculum, securing student room and board, qualified staff, as well as, making sure all of the “t’s” are crossed and “i’s” dotted, if you know what I mean. We have nearly every piece of the puzzle in place to kick of 2011 with the beginning of the 15th Extension work for the Bear Valley Bible Institute. I look forward to reporting about the development of the work in Cameroon as they begin their first class of 20 students.

As we land 2010 on the tarmac of the runway in history, it is only a formality to the takeoff for 2011. Here is where the future will unfold the will of God for our lives and the direction of the work. I would like for you to consider the following.

Please pray for the overall success of the program and the purpose of training preachers in 2011.

Remember to express gratitude for the measure of growth we continue to see around the world. I know the future will hold more than we can imagine.

Please share the news of the work with everyone on your e-mail list.

Consider how you can be more personally involved in the program, perhaps a specific area you would like to support or visit.

Coordinator Updates

Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website. These reports will be located in the Staff Reports section. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports

Tanzania Christian Camp was a huge success. Read Jimmy Gee's report.

East Africa continues to grow. Cy provides more information about the growth.

Gorlovka, Ukraine just finished several successful evangelistic campaigns. Read more here.

Final Thoughts

To express my appreciation for you is an understatement. We have nearly completed 2010 and we are ready for 2011. The work could not be more exciting. As schools are added, graduations place men in the field, and work in each location grows, the space will be filled with powerful reports.

Thank you for your dedication to see the work continue. Your prayers, encouragement, support, and willingness to share, provide renewed zeal in the lives of men here and around the world. I look forward to sharing the news each week as it unfolds.

God bless


Posted on December 13, 2010 .