Successful Campaigns in Ukraine

Greetings dear brothers, 

I hope everything is fine with you. We constantly pray for you and your work in the Lord’s fields. 

Last month (November) was very eventful in different ways.  

First of all, we had evangelistic campaigns in three cities – Ilovaisk, Krasny Liman and Gorlovka. We divided our students into groups of 4-5 people and during the week they helped the local congregations. In my opinion, the most blessed city was Krasny Liman because, as the result of four days evangelistic effort, 5 new visitors came to the church. In Gorlovka and Ilovaisk there were no new people but the evangelism encouraged the congregations a lot. 

Secondly, we finally installed the compensational tank and turned on the heating system, but when the tank was heated up to 60° C the weld cracked. At present, the specialists are trying to fix this problem. So far we are heating the building with oil and hot air heaters. 

Thirdly, last Sunday we went to Dokuchaevsk (the city is 100 km south from Gorlovka) to visit the local congregation of the church of Christ. The congregation there is not big, about 10-11 people. We established some very friendly relationships with their preacher (his name is Sergey), worshipped together and did the BV presentation. Sergey said that they have a young man who wanted to study in the Bible Institute. However, that day he was absent in the assembly being at work. So, hopefully, we have a potential student for the next year. 

At the time being Albert Bagdasaryan, Viktor Semikos, Andrei Zhuravlev and I are teaching the classes. It’s a great support for me to have these spiritually mature brothers. However, if you have some instructors from the States who may be willing to help us, we’d be only very glad.  

Also, there is not so good news from the central congregation in Gorlovka. The family of Viacheslav and Valentina Rozumnyaks decided to leave the congregation here and they joined the congregation where Valeriy Kolchik is preaching. Please pray for them.

All students and instructors send their big hello to you. We are looking forward to Howell and Mary’s coming. Thank you, brothers, for your help and support for the Bible Institute and my family. We need our prayers always.  

The TV news announces that after the New Year day we are to expect some increase on utilities’ rates.  I hope it won’t happen. 

May the Lord bless you abundantly! 

Your co-worker in the Lord’s fields,  


Posted on December 13, 2010 .