The Kingdom Expands More And More Here In Tanzania...

To God be the Glory. We found much favor with the love of God as we were traveling to different places in the country. As it was stated in earlier reports, our entire mission of this trip was based on visiting and encouraging our graduate students for their evangelistic efforts. We have been able to link the school of preaching with so many congregations this time and as a result, many local congregations have shown a desire to send more students to the preaching school here in Arusha. 

In some places we were able to do a little of evangelism with our students. This gave us an opportunity to meet with the ongoing Bible classes that are conducted by our students while they are at home. We were able to meet both graduate and current students of ACSOP. Through this program we found out that our students are engaging in local ministries while they are on break. Along with other activities of distributing books, Bible tracts, cd’s of Bible lessons and teaching from time to time in homes of Christians, we have been able recruit new students. In Iringa, two brothers have shown a desire to come and learn the word of God so they can become servants in the Kingdom. Let us continue praying for them as they prepare to come next year.

On our way back we had a chance to stop at Chimala (Mbeya) where we met three older men (Isaac Chando, Edwin Tusekelege and Lenkosi Mkwama, who is one of the elders of the Chimala church of Christ). These brothers have blessed us with a short story of how the true gospel came into the borders of Tanzania in the early 50’s. They told a story of brother Andrew Connally (the first missionary in Tanzania) and how the Arusha congregation was planted through the efforts of these three men. It was 1970 when these brothers came to Arusha and evangelized the area. Their effort resulted in three baptisms by 1974 when they decided to go back home (Mbeya). In 1976, Brother Isaac Chando along with others decided to come back and work as a full time minister of the congregation. Through the support of brothers from US they were able to buy land and construct a church building for worship. Another missionary (brother Cy Stafford) moved to Arusha from Chimala in the late 90’s, along with other local evangelists. The Lord has been able to accomplish much for the Kingdom through them. As we speak today, the Arusha Church of Christ and the TZ2000 effort have been able to plant more than 50 congregations in East Africa with more that 1000 faithful Christians who worship the Lord on Sunday.

May the Lord God bless each one of you who labor each day for the Kingdom and let the wisdom of His love increase each day for you. 

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
An Extension School of the Bear Valley Bible Institute - International
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on July 26, 2015 .