In The Midst Of Sadness In Cameroon, Joy Is Found In The Lord...

Greetings dearest in the Lord. It was a sad week in BVBIC-Mbanga, but in everything we still give thanks to the Lord. Brother Albert Naoussi fell seriously sick in Mbouda during the first semester holidays and was discovered in his house by the preacher of that congregation who happily was going to visit his brother and student who just came back from school. Instead, he met him in a coma because there was no one to help him at home. Neighbors testified that they heard him praying all night and they knew that he was around because that was his custom. That same day I beckoned on brother Bernard to visit him and he went to see the situation, but met him a bit relieved then gave the report to school which gave us the courage to be praying for him. He was brought back to school by his son to spend some time with his fellow brothers until he was able to walk alone. One week later the son took him to Douala after the matriculation ceremony in which he died on the Sunday the 19th of July 2015 in Douala.

The school played a great role of assistance while on his sick bed. We sent money during this time and even when he was with us. He was taken to the hospital by the school in more than one occasion.

God is great. We appreciate you for your continued prayers, kind participation both spiritually and financially to see that this burial passed on well by His grace. I was given the opportunity to present a sermon before burial and I talk about the “The Second Coming of Jesus Christ” using ACT 24:14-15 “Laying On The Just and the Unjust.” I travel to Douala with brother Philip, a student, and brother Dafta, an instructor at the school, and to the village with Dantoudji, a student, and brother Bernard, an instructor. We successfully buried him in the Lord yesterday in the presence of some brothers and sisters from Douala, Mbanga, Mbouda, Nbangate and Bafoussam.

The work in Mbanga is going on well and also our new congregation in Mujuka Peage that has some crisis right now because the land lady does not want the church to hold services in her house, and even the students should not sleep there. But for the students, they now go and come back everyday during the weekend and go and worship outside because the Presbyterians are still using the school compound. The brother told us about it and this will last till October. We are praying for that mission to be a great one and want to send all the students there this weekend including my self. Evangelism is our Mission and our Mission is Evangelism.

Dearest in the Lord, together we are going to make French Cameroon a place for the dueling of Christ and even the surrounding countries like T chad, Gabon, Congo, Central Africa, while not Mozambique. By His grace, I strongly believe that. Let us keep on praying and working in the Lord. 


Posted on July 26, 2015 .