Outreach With The Visiting Coordinator In Cameroon Brings Forth Fruit...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this end. I am sure you are doing okay in all that you do, as we are doing great and God is blessing. We are in the rainy season and rain is doing its best now in Cameroon.

After the short-course with our coordinator we sent out all our students for vacation because we re-schedule our programs just to make sure. We meet up with the program of the coordinator and it all went well.

As I am writing this report, all our students, except one who lost his son, are now back in school to start the next quarter which begins tomorrow.

They return from their vacation with great news about growth and appreciations from their home congregations about their spiritual growth. Our students are handling and preaching better now than before they came to the Bible college in Wotutu.

In Wotutu, our students took the final after a week of intensive studies. It was great to have the coordinator stand in front of the Gamma batch of students to teach. This was the first time for the Gamma batch of students to stay in class and learn from the him.

After the week of teaching in BVBIC-Wotutu, we moved to the new BVBIC-Mbanga for another week of teaching. I was with the coordinator for the one week, so as to make sure he is fine and safe because the director there needed to learn how to accommodate visiting instructors. I was there to help if any help was needed, but it was great until yesterday that they did their matriculation.

Evangelism is our mission: After 6 hours in the class, we still went out for visiting and meeting people. We went on a train ride to Kumba and later Tombel for visiting and also to be part of a youth forum. It was great for us to do that so as to encourage the youths who are the church of tomorrow.

We encouraged and discussed the possibility of a new congregation in this village, called Mujuka. Today, a new congregation was born with 16 souls worshipping God with the New Testament design. Join us in praise to God because this village is nearer to Mbanga. The school in Mbanga will take care of nurturing this young congregation and bringing it to maturity. Please pray for the work there.

Several sisters in one of our newly established congregations are zealous to know more about God and to share the message with their husbands and the community. Many continue to ask for Bibles as we must point to the truth only through the lines of the Bible. I salute their zeal and I pray we can be of help to empower them with adult education for them to know more on how to read and also explain the truth the way it is suppose to be. Pray for our sisters in Cameroon, as many of them need empowerment in many vocational things which will help them balance many situations in our societies. There is a saying that “if you educate or empower a woman, you have empowered entire communities." Our goals are high for our sisters. Maybe you have an idea as to what we can do to realize this. If so, then feel free to get back to me.

Many of them were reading tracts and keeping what is inside, so that they will share it with others. Many thanks to Mission Printing for sending the tracts to us and we pray and wait for the next container that will be shipped to us. This helps us take the tracts to many more communities that the first container could not serve fully.

Our students return from vacations with this precious news: 3 souls were added in two villages where they were for vacation. The spirit of BVBIC-Wotutu will always remain with our students as they now know the importance of reaching out to souls at any giving time. We share the gospel and God gives us opportunity to rob from the strong man’s house.

e still plan to go with all the students to Idenau, the west coast region, to establish a new congregation which will be the second in the entire west coast of Cameroon.

Keep our students in your prayers as they start their third quarter tomorrow, that as the days are going by, they will continue to grow for His glory and services.

I thank God for you. God has been so kind to us through all that you are doing to make this work a reality. God bless you and keep you strong and safe. You are in our prayers and we trust God that it is well with you. Do your best to share our reports with others.

God bless you and your entire family.

Elangwe and family

Posted on June 28, 2015 .