140 Young People Gather For The Tanzania Youth Seminar...

This past week about 140 young people from all over Tanzania gathered in Moshi for the Tanzania Youth Seminar. This was one of the largest turnouts ever for this traveling event. The hand shaking line after services this morning was so long that it circled the whole yard and spiraled inwards two-deep. We also had the opportunity to welcome 6 young people who were baptized during the week. 

This week the Arusha church will conduct a campaign of its own. There are no visiting foreign campaigners this time. They will just rely on the efforts of local evangelists, members, and missionaries to reach out to their community. All in all, it is a good time to be a Christian in northern Tanzania. Join with us in thanking God for the successful youth event, and petitioning His blessings on the Arusha campaign. To God be the glory!

Also, if any of you are interested in having me visit with your congregation at some point this year, then let me know, especially those of you that we didn't get to visit with during our furlough last year.

Daniel Gaines

To see Daniel’s report with pictures from the youth seminar, please click here.

Posted on June 28, 2015 .