The New School In Mbanga Is Reaching Out Locally And In Prison...

With the love of God upon our lives, we extend our greetings from this part of the world. Evangelism is our mission and our mission is Evangelism.This was really a week for evangelism, as students at the school were out for field work and ex-students from Wotutu were also out for evangelism. The alumni worked in Nkamlikum, a big quarter around Kumba Town and left with one soul been added to the Church.

The students just finished their first internship program yesterday from their various congregations. So far we have not received all their reports because some are areas were there is no work connection. But so far we have recorded two (2) baptisms. We are now on holidays and students will return next week to begin short-courses on Monday eight (8) a.m. prompt.


Calvary greetings. Brother Naoussi Albert, who is one of the students in the French Bible School in Mbanga, was with me in Kombe for a two-day campaign, from Friday to Saturday the 5th to 6th of this month. We moved from door to door preaching the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Lord blessed His work by adding two souls in His kingdom, Kango Mirane and Onngah Frida.

The congregations of the churches of Christ in Cameroon, most of them have every few members. However, there are some with more than 150, with a higher figure of 220 in Kumba. The church has been in this country for about 67 years and there are about 250 congregations. There are 10 regions in Cameroon. The French speaking regions consist of 8 and in these regions we have 36 congregations, plus the one in Kombe and Mbanga making 38, while the English speaking regions consist of 2.

In the Southwest Regions there is one having a strong base of the churches of Christ in Cameroon, especially Meme Division, Kumba being its capital. In the French zone, there are regions where the church does not exist and in the Far North region we have one, Adamawa region one and South region two. Most sincerely, a lot is still to be done in the French zone. Some Bibles were given to prisoners in Mbanga donated by the Pattoville church of Christ (33 Bibles). May God bless us as we struggle in this field of wilderness.

Etongwe Etienne Nicholas

Posted on June 14, 2015 .