One Of The Student's Wives Is Baptized In Togo...

Gospel Chariot Visits Villages
Students of CBS in Kpalime spend sometime each week visiting nearby villages to distribute tracts and conduct Bible studies. 

Student’s Wife Baptized
The wife of Mawunyo, one of our students, was baptized. Until recently they were members of the “Good Shepherd Church‟ in Kpalime. About two months ago, the name of the  church was changed to Church of Christ. The congregation is now worshiping as a New Testament Church. In recent months, Mawunyo got the opportunity to introduce the “Good Shepherd Church‟ to the New Testament Church, several members were baptized while the teachings continued. Instructors from CBS have been visiting on Sundays and Wednesdays to teach the Bible class. Let us continue to pray for this new congregation that all will accept the teachings and eventually become part of the church. 

2nd Annual Kloto Lectures  
The churches in the Kloto area organized a one day lectureship under the theme “The One Another Experience.” This event took place on the Sunday May 24th. Thirteen congregations were present with a total attendance of 272. Topics discussed included: “Love One Another,” “Forgive One Another,” and I was assigned to speak on “Encourage One Another.” The program was hosted by the Hanyigba Church of Christ. 

Meeting with Students
I had the opportunity during my recent trip to Kpalime to meet with the student body. They requested this meeting to discuss some pertinent issues with me. The key issue had to do with the relationship between instructors and students. Students were allowed to state their grievances and the misunderstandings were resolved. This was a learning experience for both students and instructors. The meeting also dealt with some doctrinal issues agitating their minds. We then ended the meeting with plans for the forthcoming graduation in September. 

WBS Office in Zomayi, Kpalime
We recently acquired a shop, renovated it, and turned it into a WBS and Literature center. The facility will also be used to conduct group studies and personal Bible studies. Such an office became necessary because it is taboo for some denominations to enter places of worship of other churches. This office is considered a neutral ground. The office will be equipped with a computer, projector, screen, white board, and various kinds of teaching aids. The office will also have tracts displayed in front of it for distribution. 

Because of its location, after our weekly radio broadcast, listeners will be directed to this office should they have any questions. This facility will also serve as the Gospel Chariot’s contact office. 

by H. Willie Gley

Posted on June 14, 2015 .