God Gives The Increase In The Safari For Souls Campaign...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We hope and pray this report finds you and yours blessed in all the right ways. What a joy it is to serve the living God. To know He loves us, to know He cares for us, to know He has forgiven us and to know He has prepared a place of eternal rest truly brings peace and comfort to our souls. 

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching student body is taking their last couple of classes before they head home for a break. Also, we will be blessed at the end of the month by our brother Ebenezer, who is a trainer for Healing Hands International. He will come and help us and some 50 other fellow Christians, learn more about sustainable small scale farming. We are very grateful for this opportunity to help our student body learn more, that they in turn might better provide for their families and neighbors in the future. Through this knowledge they will be given the tools to be more self-reliant, making their ministry that much more effective. 

For the past few weeks we have had several short-term co-workers come, joining us in our evangelistic outreach. Men and women from three different congregations, three different States, including two elders of the Lord’s Church, three evangelist, and three amazing young ladies. A living testimony as to the love some have in the Church: love of God and a love for others. We understand there are many, praying, supporting, encouraging those who came, thank you and may our God bless you richly. What has resulted through these efforts? God has increased His Kingdom by 14 souls. Each participant has grown in the Lord. The Lord’s church in Tanzania has been edified. The Gospel has been preached to hundreds and, is often the case, we truly believe the best is yet to come. 

One of our short-term workers, Rod Minor, was ask by an elderly lady, “How many old people have you baptized and killed (she had some fear of water to say the least)? Rod replied, “I have baptized many old people, all have died.” She got it and was baptized into Christ for the remission of her sins, being added to the Church by God! Amen!

Stephanie and want to personally thank you for your prayers and support over the years, making it possible for us to live our dream, our dream of doing God’s will as missionaries. Though we feel undeserving, we are very appreciative of your love and concern. As most of you know, in the last few weeks we have faced some challenges. We have lost some monthly support and we have had to make some challenging choices. Living apart for weeks at a time being one of those choses, so Stephanie can care for her mother for a season. Many of you have prayed and supported us in many ways. We have received one-time funds enough to cover our loss of monthly support for this year. You have prayed for us and your prayers are being answered daily. We have been blessed with some monthly support, making up some of the loss. Yes, God is good and so are you! Thank you so very much.  

Please remember our two sisters in Christ, Britney Higgins and Beth Ford, our group from Hoover, AL and our team from Elk City, who will all be arriving over the next week. Also, please remember Stephanie in your prayers, it looks very promising that she will be able to come for a short time in June, allowing me a long stay. If all goes well, she will leave the States on June 2nd, arriving in TZ on the 3rd. 

Brothers and sisters, we have many challenges and opportunities to share God’s Word with many here in TZ. We beg of you to continue in your prayers and support that many more might come to the knowledge of God’s love, grace, of Jesus Christ and His Church. Much to do, few are the labors, but our God is able through you! Until all have heard…

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on May 24, 2015 .