Changing Lives And Giving Hope To People...

"For every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills."  Psalm 50:10

Whose Cattle? The Masai tribe believes that God gave THEM all the cattle.  Supposedly they will steal cattle from other tribes, but do not consider it "stealing" because of their belief that it was theirs in the first place! By the way, their view is wrong.

Andrew Connally School of Preaching: The second quarter for the English and the Swahili Programs has got to the end last Friday. The classes which were taught in the English program were "Christian Evidences" (Daniel Gaines), "Exodus - Deuteronomy" (William Korio), "Public Speaking I" (Charles Herbert), "Acts" (Bernard Kulanga), and "Farming Project" (Ahimidiwe Kimaro). 

The classes which were taught to the Swahili program were “The Gospel of John & 1-3 John" (Maurice Gasper), "Greek I" (Losotwa Michael), "Public Speaking 2 [Practical Homiletics]" (Ahimidiwe Kimaro), "Biblical Interpretation II" (Julius Gasper) and "Old Testament 4 [Study of the Major Prophets: Isaiah - Daniel]" (Desdery Massawe). 

Kisongo Bible School (for the "person in the pew” - four evenings a week) will end classes next week, which are "Joshua, Judges and Ruth" taught by Losotwa Michael, "Exodus & Leviticus" by Maurice, " Hermeneutics" by Ahimidiwe Kimaro and "Mark & Luke" by Ibrahim Mrutu. This school now has eight devoted students and the Kisongo church is really proud of them.

“They have devoted themselves for ministry to the saints…” On Monday, Dennis with his three daughters and Brian begin the return journey to their respective homes (USA). We enjoyed all the fellowship and laughs! Our deep appreciation is extended to this team for their time and effort in preaching the gospel in Njiro chini ,which resulted to an addition of three souls in the kingdom of God!  

May the Lord bless you for your concern, prayers, and generosity. We thank you for your participation in spreading the Gospel in East Africa. You are changing lives and giving hope to people who didn't have any. We love you and appreciate your sacrifices and are indebted to you!

With love from Andrew Connally School of Preaching,

Losotwa Michael
Dean of Academics
Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, TZ

Posted on May 17, 2015 .