A Macedonian Call, Preachers' Forum, and Addition To The Kingdom...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you all over there in Jesus’ name. We do hope you are doing great. With us here, we continue to struggle with health challenges from some members of the congregation and the school. My wife was sick, but thanks be to God she was getting better by the time I typed this report.

Last week went on well concerning studies and other things in BVBIC-Wotutu. Students are surprised how time flies. They are already approaching their second quarter exams in a few weeks. Keep them in your prayers as we have already lined up villages with the Macedonian call, “Come over and help us.” We are doing our best, at the level of the office, to finalize arrangements on logistics and transportation for our students to make it there.

Kids of the Brightland Christian Academy assemble during their devotions. Brother Nsong Nelson, one of our graduates, continues to make known the gospel truth to these children in these tender ages. They continue to love the Lord and His ways from the way they are being taught. Many continue to attend our children’s class, which is ever growing as the weeks pass by, mostly now that we have their own small hall behind our main building.

A sister in Christ, sister Esther Oman, runs a nongovernmental organization called “Reachout.” She came to Brightland this past week to donate creative books to the school. This will help us build the learning process of the kids. It was great and we give glory to God.

She was happy to come and she loved what she saw, that the children sang a welcome song with pure vocals. They were clean and respectful. Keep her in your prayers as her service for humanity.

She also gave games to the children in the nursery school department to use during off classes that are ongoing. The is a saying that learning without playing makes Jack a dull boy, so we wish the best for the kids in BCA. They are already making the difference with other schools in the communities.

We rounded out the week with an annual preachers’ forum in Bonaberi in Douala. I was invited to teach and we had a discussion on the stage with brother Prince Otobong, an evangelist from Nigeria. Preaching and running a preaching school in the north west of Cameroon is brother Paul Kee, the only American resident missionary in Cameroon. Preaching and running a preaching school in Nso.Our discussion was centered on how we better evangelize the country of Cameroon and also improve on the nurturing process of the congregations here.

A very significant population of preachers and leaders were in attendance to learn and ask questions. It was a very good forum as we struggle to impart knowledge to one another.

A family picture was taken at the end. Most of our graduates were part of the forum from their different congregations. It was great for us to meet again, not as students, but as colleagues now. We shared concrete discussions and learned how the work is going in the field. It is not easy, as many are facing difficulties. Words of encouragement are given as the need arises.

Weekend evangelism is still helping those young congregations and our students love reaching out to many communities. BVBIC-Wotutu continues to expose our students to mission possibilities on weekly basis. The Lord added a soul this weekend. Glory be to His name.

1) We plan to welcome our coordinator to Wotutu, as he will come and teach a short course on the New Testament church. Keep him in your prayers.

2) Pray for students as they prepare to write exams in few weeks.

3) Pray for the West Coast mission, which will come soon.

4) Pray for the new work the alumni are planning to start in Kumba west.

Thank you for standing by us, thank you for praying for the work here, thank you for your thoughts, and thank you for your priceless support towards this work. If not for you, we doubt where and the level of growth of this work. Thank you. Share this with others. God bless you and replenish all.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on May 17, 2015 .