Highlighting The Giving Example Of Students In Cambodia...

Happy New Year to all my brothers and sisters in Christ! We are another year closer to seeing our Heavenly Father! What an incredible thought for all of us as we progress and use each year to serve Christ. I pray that you begin your new year with fervent love for His kingdom and subjects. I know that you guys are doing your part where you are as I am striving to do my part in serving Him in Cambodia. 

This month's highlight that I want to share with you is very special to me. As we are in our 3rd and final school year (we switched from a two year program to a three year program) the spiritual growth of this class impresses me so much. This student body started to put their faith into practice all on their own. They got together, without any instruction from the staff, and with what little money they have saved up from various part-time jobs, decided to go to one of the student's hometown villages and bought rice, noodles, blankets, salt, sugar, soy and fish sauce to deliver to the needy people of that village! They finally got the chance to understand what Paul meant in Acts 20:35 for themselves! 

This is the kind of growth that we are teaching at IBISR. This is how a Christian should develop and mature. This is what opens up the doors for the gospel to be preached and enlarge His kingdom on earth. Tuk and Doung's (husband and wife and also students of IBISR) reputation in that village have increased due to their fellow student’s acts of kindness. They have been going back to their village to teach and preach there consistently on the weekends and after graduation, they plan on planting and growing a church there. It's encouraging to see babes in Christ growing and maturing into responsible leaders of His church. Please continue to keep the work here in your prayers as we continue to grow and mature in our faith in Him. 


To see Phanat’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on February 1, 2015 .