Growth, Zeal, And Determination Are Seen In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you all in Jesus’ name. We do hope you are doing well in all that you and your family are sound and healthy. We are praying for those who are not sound in health.

Last week marked the end of the first month of the Gamma batch of students in CBIW. It is clear now, we can see growth, zeal, and determination. We smile because we see a bright future in this group of brothers who are devoting two years of their lives into intensive study of the word, so as to teach others.

Today in our congregation, I invited a health technician who came to give us a health talk and also help many in our congregation. I have invited him to come on Tuesday with his team and do a severe medical examination to all our students, so that we can know their health conditions and help us deal with them well to avoid lots of things.

Our students were happy to go out for house-to-house evangelism. It was an opportunity for them to discover the village and meet some of their tribal people in the community.

Yesterday’s evangelism team met with brother Mote Daniel, who just moved to Wotutu. He told me he was a Christian with the church of Christ in Ibadan, Nigeria since 1959. He smiled to find his brothers and sisters and since he came to Cameroon about 19 years ago, he has never found the church in his village until he moved to Wotutu. He was restored and enjoyed fellowship with God and His children today. Keep him in your prayers as he is an aged person and also sick.

House-to-house evangelism: evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. We do our best to transplant this spirit to all of our students.

We do our house-to-house evangelism and also distribute tracts from Mission Printing to many. We are almost out of the pile of tracts we had, as many other congregation still make the trip to Wotutu to get them. A selection on a new container is coming now. By His grace we shall have more pretty soon.

As I teach the course, “Personal Evangelism,” it was my pleasure to be part of the student’s house-to-house and door knocking to see their approach and also to correct them when need be. Keep this batch of students in your prayers.

The gamma batch students are a great group searching for souls. They are eager and ready to go wherever the gospel is calling.

Students came back with lots of happiness that they were able to answer questions from prospects and also learn some more on particular subjects. They were told they are in school and they are just starting.

I will be off from Wotutu to Dikome where I will do a severe survey of mission work around that area and to visit with one of our evangelist there, Oliver Sakwe. Students will be scattered to other areas also. Keep our travel and our mission in your prayers.

God bless you and reward you for all that you are doing. Keep up the good work you are doing in Cameroon. God sees you all.

Do your best to share this with others.

Elangwe and family.
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on February 1, 2015 .