Students Grow Through Their Studies In The Church And Godhead...

Greetings! We pray that you are doing pretty fine both in your health and your work.

It is again that time that we communicate to you and update you concerning what is happening here at Bear Valley Bible Institute Zambia.

We report to you with a great joy to watch these men (students) grow during the time of their study here. By this point they have pretty good idea of what is expected of them and how the school operates on a daily basis.

We ended the normal classes on the 20th of November, 2015. The next two weeks will be a time for short courses. Brother Kennedy Mukuka is teaching these short courses. And this time, he is teaching “The New Testament Church” and “Godhead.” We continue to be thankful to God for men like Brother Kennedy who sacrificially commit themselves to help the school in such a wonderful way.

We also thank you for the good work that you doing for the Lord.

May God richly bless you all!

We remain yours in Christ,
Cephas and Fred

Posted on November 29, 2015 .