Pressing On Toward The Goal In Nigeria...

Beloved in Christ Jesus,

Greetings from Nigeria. We evangelized Bamisinde village on Saturday, November 21, 2015 and two of our prospects were baptized early Wednesday morning, November 25 at Osun River.

On Sunday, November 22, I taught at the Ijebu-Igbo congregation in Ogun state on “Press On Toward the Goal” (Phil. 3:12-21). We are 35 in attendance with a total collection of N3,600=.

We start our practical Homiletics between 8:00 am - 5:00 pm on Monday this week and we end, Lord willing, on Friday with four students presenting thirty minutes of teaching per day between 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm.

On Sunday, November 22, brother God’s power Benjamin Okon, one of our year-one students, worshipped with the Lekki congregation in Lagos state and was assigned to teach the Sunday morning Bible class. He taught on “Discipleship,” while brother Emmanuel Okpachui taught on “Baptism” at the Asejire congregation in Osun state, and brother Shotola Segun, one of the year-two students, taught on “Evangelism” at the Egbeda congregation in Egbeda Local Government of Oyo state. Brother Victor Dominic Edet taught on “Obedience,” while brother Akinade Oluwaseun Akinleye admonished the campus church at Butubutu on “Walking in the Spirit.”

Beloved we started preparing for the two special programs that by God's grace will be coming up on our campus (BVBIN-Ibadan) in January 2016.

We plan to print ten thousand copies of WBS correspondence lessons and tracts in preparation for the 2016 program.

Thank you for your brotherly love. May the Lord keep us saved and sound in His loving way until death is our fervent prayer in Jesus name, Amen.

I  remain yours in His grace as a servant,

Brother Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi
Director of Studies-Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria: Ibadan
Minister - Church of Christ, Onikokoro/Gbongudu, Ibadan.
Proprietor - Southwest Institute Butubutu, Ibadan.
WBS coordinator

Posted on November 29, 2015 .