Leadership Conference In Tanzania Hosts Participants From Around The World...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

We hope and pray this short report finds you all doing really well in your walk with the Lord. Stephanie and I are so very grateful to partner with you in the great work of God in Tanzania. October has been a very busy month with much good being done to His glory. Never forget, your prayers and support are bringing forth much fruit in the Kingdom, many souls being added to the church daily. 

This year’s Tanzania Leadership Conference was a complete success. This year we studied the over all theme of Leadership Laws as seen in the life of Christ. Around 150 participants from all over East Africa came together enjoying each others fellowship as we learned together how to better lead in the work of the Kingdom. 

This was a special year in the fact that we had speakers from Cambodia, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, and the United States of America. A very special thank you to Mike Hite, Wes Autrey, Phanat Ouch, Dale Kastner, Mike Benson, Brian Horner, and Sean Hochdorf for joining us in this year’s TLC. I also want to commend Ahimidiwe, Charles, Michael, Godfrey, Justin and Daniel for stepping up and doing an amazing job. I was able to be at the conference on the first day, but had to leave that evening, returning to the States for a medical issue. It is such a thrill to see the TZ team grow and take on the leadership as God would have it. We have been working on this for going on 18 years and it is simply amazing what our Great God can do when we let Him have His way in our life and work. Yes, what God Controls, Grows! Every time, every where, with every one!

The second year students are in their “final stretch.” They are in their final quarter and will finish their undergraduate studies with a short course on “Leadership” to be taught by our brother Jay Galloway. Graduation will be on November 28th. We solicit your prayers on their behalf as they begin a new chapter in their lives and ministries. We eagerly anticipate our new intake and pray our God will open the hearts and hands of you, our donors, that we might be able to take in a full complement of 24 students. If you are currently sponsoring a student, we say thank you and please continue if you can. If you are not currently supporting a student and would like too, please let me know and I will give you all the information you need. 

A very special thank you to Brian Horner and Diane Huffines who have come to work with us and the Ilikurei congregation. Three souls obeyed the gospel and several have been restored. The Lord’s word continues to be blessed by our many co-workers who join us throughout the year. The TZ team is of one mind, one spirit, unified in the cause of Christ to His glory. 

In closing, we want to ask that you please pray for our little friend, Quin Merryman. Quinn is 16 months old and had a malignant tumor removed from his brain stem and is now going through chemo treatments. Your prayers are coveted and welcomed on behalf of this young boy and his family. 

Remember, God loves you and so do we. Until all have heard…

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on October 18, 2015 .