Good Will Trip Encourages Current And Former ACSOP Students...

I greet you again in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am happy again to write you about things of the kingdom that are taking place in this part of the world. Our all mighty God is giving more chances to those who serve Him to see the beauty of His kingdom and serve Him more. As the Gospel of Christ spreads to multitudes here, we develop more techniques of leading those who were saved though the Tanzania Leadership Conference. Last week we ended up with an amazing worship on Sunday. Bible class was taught by Daniel Gaines and our brother, who is a missionary from Malawi, Dale Kastner, preached the sermon in the worship service. We had 172 adults and 56 children. We are now kind of coming back to the normal schedule. 

My intention in writing you this short report is to tell you about one graduate by the name Juma Omai Juma. In our “Good Will” trip, in which we met with current and former students of ACSOP, we were able to meet Juma. This friend graduated from ACSOP in 2008. He had a zeal to take what he received from school to the church and to nonbelievers. The church that he is preaching for is a village church. When we met in Kenya, he told me how he worked hard to put the church in good condition spiritually and numerically. Charles and I encouraged him to attendthe Tanzania Leadership Conference, but it was difficult for him to respond with the answer “yes” because of his financial problems that he was facing. Instead he told us, “I will do whatever I can to come.” Despite many challenges which he is facing, this good brother was able to attend the conference. The place where he is serving and life circumstances could hinder him. I was very happy to see this brother attending the conference because of his seriousness of life. Finally he admitted that if it could happen for him to miss conference, he could miss big things in his life.

Also this week the school sessions take place. The first year class is being taught a short course on the letter of James by brother Mike Benson. I am very happy for his coming to help and teaching at ACSOP.  Moreover, he stays for hours with the students after class time, which helps to create a good relationship between students and their instructor. 

On the other hand, brother Brian Horner and sister Diene plan to stay two more weeks, during which they plan to do evangelism at Ilkiurei, which is a new congregation. Up to now, three people have been baptized through the hard work they are doing there.

Please remember to pray for all efforts and good brothers and sisters working hard for the kingdom.

In His service,

Ahimidiwe Kimaro
Assistant Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on October 18, 2015 .