God Crowns Long Years Of Evangelism With Conversions...

Beloved in Christ,

Greetings from BVBIN and my fellow WBSFUW in Oyo and Osun state.

At last, God crowned our long years of evangelism in Ona-Ara Local Government of Oyo state with the conversion of a Pentecostal church at Kuede village on October 11, 2015, with the conversion of another three of her key members on Oct.11, 2015. After the two hours Bible discussion by brother Kayode Solomon Eniafe and two of our year two students on “The Church of the Bible,” they made the decision to change. The three new converts are Mrs. Latifat Adekunle, Mrs. Oladele Deborah, and Mrs. Ishmael Foluke to increase the numbers of the conversion to six from a congregation of about twenty membership. Mr. Sabitu Adeyemi and his wife, Falilatu, were baptized during our Saturday evangelism on October 10, in Kuede village!

Brethren, our school van finally break down at Fasade on Sunday evening on our way back to the school campus from Ibadan.

We towed the van with my jeep from Badeku town to the school campus in Butubutu where the mechanic will work on the engine. The mechanic said it will cost us between N50,000 to N60,000 to ring the engine and other necessary things to put the van in a better position for another one or two years! Nevertheless, we shall continue managing my personal jeep until the time the van is back to the road.

Our WBS team just recruited over 400 new students for free Bible correspondence courses. We shall mail the return Introduction lessons to brother Joel Coppinger of WBSTC California by the end of next week. Those willing to teach more souls the gospel of Christ by correspondence courses should please feel free to contact brother Joel Coppinger.

The BVBIN-Ibadan main campus closed first semester classes today for a month of vocational studies until November 14, 2015. Second semester classes begin, Lord willing, on Monday, November 16, 2015.

The staff and the BVBIN-Ibadan main campus that are going for a month vocational studies in Ibadan and Asejire, Osun state, just returned from Laboro village for weekend evangelism. Laboro village is one of the neighboring villages to Kuede village in Ona-Ara Local Government Area of Oyo state. The majority of the inhabitants of that village are mainly strangers from Cotonou (a close country to Nigeria) and Benue state of Nigeria. In short, this people are really ready for the truth. Even though there is no convert yet, some of them promise us that they will worship with the just converted Pentecostal church at Kuede tomorrow (Sunday). Brother Kayode Solomon Eniafe, and one of our year two students, are going to minister their, Lord’s willing.

Brethren, it's a blessing to be village evangelists! We are proud of this ministry, and we thank you all for the vital role you are all playing.

My second son, Makinde John, will lead tomorrow’s (Sunday) service as the song leader. I will teach on “The Suffering of the Saints” (1 Peter 1:1-8), while brother Bamidele Moses, one of our year one students, will sermonize the church at Onikokoro / Gbongudu, Ibadan, and brother Gabriel Ishom, one of our year two students, and my first son, Makinde Emmanuel, a graduate of BVBIN August 2015, are teaching the youth class.

Brethren, we appreciate your partnership and you are all in our daily prayer. Stay blessed and be strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A big thanks to you all for your prayers, financial support, and partnership. May the Lord of blessing continue to bless all our joint efforts in Christ name, Amen.

Yours in His service,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi 
Director of Studies - Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria 
Minister - Church of Christ Onikokoro / Gbongudu, Ibadan
​Proprietor - Southwest Institute Butubutu village, Ibadan

Posted on October 18, 2015 .