An Open Door Opens The Heart To A New Sister In Christ...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We are encouraged that you are all doing well. The climate in Cameroon is changing from severe rainy season to dry season, so many are not in their best of health. Today, I took my son, Raymond Cris, to the hospital at 7 am, and I could only return in Wotutu about 1 pm, which I was not part of all parts of worship. I later took communion and my collection. Keep many this way in your prayers.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well. Students continue to gain knowledge and experience as they prepare themselves for full-time ministry upon their graduation. Keep praying for all those who are involved in this work here.

This weekend, we had mass evangelism in two locations: Buea and Bonjongo. The gospel continues to penetrate the hearts of many. Our students sat in the van ready to go. If you are with them you will hear them singing and being happy as they go searching for lost souls.

Several students are in government school and the authorities allow our students and some members of our congregation to tell the students about Jesus and His church. It was an open door to reach out to many who love to know about Jesus away from denominational doctrines, which is rampant in these communities.

Evangelist Ekelle continues to spread the news of the gospel in the Bonjongo Village. He and his wife are doing the ground work, and our students follow up.

A lady from Bonjongo Village opened her door as well as the door of her heart to the gospel to have a place. Today, she worshiped with her 4 children, who also love the way the church of Christ worships, “away from noise,” as I quote what they said today. This is an open door for Bonjongo Village. The gospel will help many who are under the bondage of satanic and denominational influences. If we put all in place, for a place of worship and other logistics, then we may start a new congregation in that village pretty soon. Your prayers will be appreciated.

When the Lord opens the door, no one can close it. We have 11 children coming from Bonjongo Village to attend Brightland Christian Academy. Children continue to tap God’s amazing blessings from the word of God daily as evangelist Nsong continues to teach them. It is surprising to new children, as they are part of our devotionals, which are characterized with vocal singing and no clapping of hands. This is a lesson for them to take home daily. As they grow up with this knowledge, we have confidence of the brightness of their future and the growth of the church.

The kids in Brightland are taught to look inside their Bible because that is where the truth is found. Those who are grown to some age, who can read, are blessed to have a copy of the Bible in their hands to read and see the truth with their own eyes, even though we cannot get copies of the Bibles to all who need it.

Christian ladies do their best, not only to educate the children in Brightland Christian, but they also go beyond their curriculum to teach what is written in the scriptures, to help these children as young as they are. We can use the children to get to their parents. Tracts are put in their school bags addressed to their parents. Most parents appreciate the concern and love from the Brightland Christian administration.

Girls are the dominant population in Brightland Christian academy. We are privileged to be a part of their lives as we do all in our power to promote Christian education and Christian values. There is saying in our communities that, “If you train a woman, you are directly training the communities and why not the entire nation?”

​Our plans are centered on evangelizing our communities , our nations and the world at large as long as God will that to us. Keep our plans as we evangelize and nurture existing congregation . weekly we continue to have call from different congregations to come over to them and help.

Our God will continue to bless you for all your efforts and love toward the work here. Thank you, and God bless you for making things happening. God alone will reward you in due season if you faint not.

Do your best to share with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on October 18, 2015 .