Weekend Evangelism Experiences Challenges In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. We do hope you are doing great and God is blessing all your  endeavors. God still sits on the throne and He continues to watch over us and bless us.

Last week in CBIW was a busy one as the students were involved in the writing of their exams for the 7th quarter. They are left with one more quarter to graduate. Keep them in your prayers.

As I am writing this report, I just arrived less than 15 minutes from weekend evangelism with some students at our campus.

The weekend evangelism was great, but with lots of difficulties from the road network this season.

One student, Enow Elvis, and I went to Koba. We had many stops where we waited because of the bad roads. We left school on Friday afternoon, but could not get to our destination because of bad roads. We left another village before getting to Koba the next day with our mission printing tracts.

We made it safe to Koba village and started house to house evangelism, reaching out to many. We spent time with a polygamist who confessed to us that he has seen the truth and he loves the doctrine and the way we are talking, but he is not ready to leave one of his wives for us to baptize him. We left him with God to figure it out. We said he needed to repent from his errors and we handed a tract to him about polygamy. Please keep the man in your prayers as our students will be there after the short course for a campaign. Maybe God will help open his eyes some more.

After our safe arrival, it was not easy to walk from one street to another in Koba village, as the road was bad.

Brother Odine lives 15 miles away from Koba where we were working. He was baptized and we are starting a congregation in his house. He invited his family and they came. A total of 4 souls were added into the body in a village call Wone. Our student, upon graduation, will be working in Koba and  many nearby villages. We shall be there in the months ahead for evangelism.

The prison ministry keeps growing as the number of those who want to study with us keeps increasing. More clothes and food were given to our brethren again today.

Our weekend at other congregations is working well, while we have more studies with those who are eager to get the truth. Dikome is growing daily as many desire to see how they can also stand and handle the word with boldness.

We have many more  invitations coming to us from brethren who are seeking that a congregation be planted in their communities, mostly those who are not in their home town. We are invited to go to Lebialem, an area which is highly dominated by the Roman Catholics. A sister in Buea is praying that we move there in November with all the students for mass evangelism. Mamfe congregation is also inviting us for the last week in November for evangelism. Keep praying that we have the means to transport all students and staff for this work.

God bless you for all that you are doing here for the work. We thank you for your kindness and a ready heart to share with us in this great commission. God alone will reward you.

Do your best to share this report with others. Keep me and some of the students in your prayers. We are so tired from the trip, as we have few days to refresh ourselves and start a short course on the book of Hebrews with elder Randy. Please keep him in your prayers as he will make his way here this weekend.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on August 31, 2014 .